<p>Guess who’s back- back again?? After a brief hiatus- Supercast is back and catches up on all things racing! Times are hard- and sometimes we all just need a break! There were several races this weekend- including one of our very favorite’s Highlander Assault! Let’s catch up and and chat! <img alt="🔗" height="16" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb3/1/16/1f517.png" width="16"/> Link in Bio <img alt="🔗" height="16" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tb3/1/16/1f517.png" width="16"/></p>
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<p>Got a Review? Want a specific topic this off season? Hit us up on Instagram! We want to hear from the community! @Brosecker @OCRLEAH @thesupercast </p>
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<p>As always, This episode was made possible by @VENGACBD. Venga is the best Endurance based CBD oil we have seen on the market made for athletes by athletes. First time users, use code BROCR25 to save 25% off your first order. Repeat customers use code BROCR on check out for 15% off! . #venga #vengacbd #cbdoil #athlete #supercast #ocr #race #obstacle #newepisode #podcast #run #running #trail #overcome #compete #competition</p>