<p>This week I sit down with Natalie Dee and discuss her journey as a trans woman. We dive into feelings and when transitioning became something Natalie was interested in. We talk a bit about dating and how that looks for Natalie and her partner. An as usual we discuss a bit about self care and mental health practices. You can find Natalie on Instagram at @natalie_deeee_ With June being pride month we thought it was very important to bring Natalie's story to the audience. While this is just one story it's just as important as the next. </p>
<p>Kendra After Dark is looking to discuss the topics you want to hear!! Please send us an email at kendraafterdark@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions to be discussed via an upcoming episode.</p>
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<p>I hope you are all staying safe and happy. Peace, Love, and lots of Weed!!</p>