Max Potential Money
Max Potential Money

Max Potential Money

Dr. Amanda Barrientez



The Inner Power Entrepreneur podcast is a globally rated to 2% podcast that delivers Law of Attraction based strategies to help coaches, experts, and business owners reprogram your energy, mindset, and habits so you can experience rapid business growth as an entrepreneur! This podcast provides inspired answers to questions for pre-6-figure COACHES, EXPERTS, and BUSINESS OWNERS such as: *What do I do to rapidly grow my business? *What's my Zone of Genius? *What are the best habits to grow my business effectively? *How do I master my entrepreneurial mindset? *How do I decrease stress and burnout as a business owner? *How do I make more money as an coach, expert, or entrepreneur? *How do I make more money in my business doing what I enjoy? *What are money blocks and how do I stop them? *How do I get over fear and doubt to build a successful business? *How do I stop procrastinating and get into action? *What should I do to overcome imposter syndrome? *How do I set goals that actually work for rapid business growth? *How do I use the Law of Attraction to build a successful business? *What is manifestation and how do I apply these strategies to grow my business? Dr. Amanda - “The Mindset Healer”- will teach you everything she did to go from powerlessness to feeling powerful on her journey from food stamps to building a 6-figure business in the first full-time year. Her goal is for you to know the steps to scale your business from your "Zone of Manifestation" so you can feel good making money doing what you enjoy. For podcast and inner power entrepreneur resources, visit:

Recent Episodes

50. 5 Law of Attraction Lessons for Entrepreneurs from THE GAP AND THE GAIN
MAR 20, 2024
50. 5 Law of Attraction Lessons for Entrepreneurs from THE GAP AND THE GAIN

“The real reward of progress is not what you achieve, but who you become along the way.”

What are your thoughts on the quote above? ⬆️ Do you agree?

If you are ready to step into a GAIN mindset as an entrepreneur, tune in to this episode and learn how to shift from a GAP to a GAIN mindset and celebrate your wins daily.

If you're liking this episode you're going to want to check out the FREE 7-day trial of the
LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURS program. During the trial, you have access to 90 lessons that will help you scale your business strategically AND stay in the GAIN. Go to and get started today!

Looking for a step-by-step roadmap to help you build your coaching business to 6-figures? Check out the COACHING BUSINESS GROWTH ROADMAP limited series podcast. This isn't just about practical steps, but also about aligning your energy, money mindset, and business building habits to become a successful coach.

Highlights from this Episode of THE INNER POWER ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST:

00:00 - Introduction to Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs
00:23 - Overview of "The Gap and the Gain"
01:06 - Aligning the Book with Inner Power Concepts
02:19 - Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs Program
04:48 - Measuring Success: Gap vs. Gain
05:29 - Key Law of Attraction Quotes from the Book
08:41 - Gain Mindset and Upward Spiral Growth
13:39 - Gap Mindset and Downward Spiral of Unhappiness
21:13 - Embracing Wants Over Needs
25:26 - Happiness as the Starting Point for Goals
29:09 - Celebrating Entrepreneurial Wins: Law of Attraction Success Journey
35:50 - Recap and Action Steps

Explore these transformative Law of Attraction lessons in more detail and discover how you can apply them to elevate your entrepreneurial journey.

Remember, your mindset is a powerful tool in manifesting your goals and dreams!


Welcome to the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Dr. Amanda! This podcast delivers science-based strategies to help you unlock your inner power so you can get what you want in life and business.

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur Episodes👇🏼

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group👇🏼

🌀 Get the Coaching Biz Growth Roadmap👇🏼

🌀 7 Day FREE TRIAL - Law of Attraction Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - UNLOCK 90 Lessons👇🏼

🌀 Free Course: Learn 5 Strategies to Reprogram Your Mindset to Magnetize Opportunities👇🏼

🌀 Get Free Chapters of Dr. Amanda's #InternationalBesteller - I Am a Money Magnet: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More👇🏼

🌀 Check Out Inner Power Daily™👇🏼

🌀 Schedule a Consult with Dr. Amanda👇🏼

🌀 Book Dr. Amanda for a Speaking Engagement👇🏼

🌀Connect with Dr. Amanda on the Socials @InnerPowerDaily👇🏼

#InnerPowerEntrepreneur #InnerPowerDaily #lawofattractionstrategies #lawofattraction #sixfigurebusiness #CelebrateWins #UpwardSpiral #GameChanger #ManifestSuccess #PositiveVibes #AbundanceMindset #Gratitude #SelfGrowth #Empowerment #EntrepreneurJourney #DailyWins #GoalSetting #HappinessIsKey #CelebrateSuccess #ManifestYourDreams #LawOfAttractionWorks #EntrepreneurCommunity #InnerPowerFormula #MindsetMatters #BusinessSuccess

37 MIN
49. 5 Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Build a 6-Figure Coaching Business
MAR 13, 2024
49. 5 Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Build a 6-Figure Coaching Business

Are you making these mistakes in your coaching business?

Tune in to this episode to discover the 5 mistakes business coaches often make in their business, and learn how to avoid them by aligning your mindset to attract more clients and achieve financial success.

If you're liking this episode you're going to want to check out the FREE 7-day trial of the 
LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURS program. During the trial, you have access to 90 lessons that will help you scale your business strategically. Go to and get started today!

Looking for a step-by-step roadmap to help you build your coaching business to 6-figures? Check out the COACHING BUSINESS GROWTH ROADMAP limited series podcast. This isn't just about practical steps, but also about aligning your energy, money mindset, and business-building habits to become a successful coach.

Check out this great MONEY MINDSET book:
Read “ I AM A MONEY MAGNET: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More”💰

Highlights from this Episode of THE INNER POWER ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST:

00:00:00 - Introduction to Six-Figure Coaching Strategies
00:01:47 - Personal Business Journey Insights
00:03:33 - Zones of Business Growth
00:04:04 - The Importance of Making Money
00:05:16 - The Law of Attraction in Business
00:05:49 - Mistake #1: Not Being Law of Attraction Driven
00:09:20 - Mistake #2: Not Mastering Your Money Mindset
00:10:03 - Mistake #3: Scattered Energy
00:13:14 - Mistake #4: Not Being Packaged to Profit
00:16:03 - Mistake #5: Being Afraid to Invest in Experts
00:20:07 - Final Thoughts and Next Steps
27:58 - Taking Action: Start Building Your Six-Figure Business Today


Welcome to the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Dr. Amanda! This podcast delivers science-based strategies to help you unlock your inner power so you can get what you want in life and business.

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur Episodes👇🏼

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group👇🏼

🌀 Get the Coaching Biz Growth Roadmap👇🏼

🌀 7 Day FREE TRIAL - Law of Attraction Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - UNLOCK 90 Lessons👇🏼

🌀 Free Course: Learn 5 Strategies to Reprogram Your Mindset to Magnetize Opportunities👇🏼

🌀 Get Free Chapters of Dr. Amanda's #InternationalBesteller - I Am a Money Magnet: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More👇🏼

🌀 Check Out Inner Power Daily™👇🏼

🌀 Schedule a Consult with Dr. Amanda👇🏼

🌀 Book Dr. Amanda for a Speaking Engagement👇🏼

🌀Connect with Dr. Amanda on the Socials @InnerPowerDaily👇🏼

#InnerPowerEntrepreneur #InnerPowerDaily #lawofattractionstrategies #lawofattraction #sixfigurebusiness #coaching #entrepreneur #servicebasedbusiness #businessgrowth #manifestation #mindset #money #moneyblock #wealthconsciousness #energy #brandidentity #sales #leadgen #procrastination #perfectionism #profits #investment #experts #delegation #zoneofgenius #lawofattractiondriven #money mindset #scatteredenergy #packagedtoprofit #investinginexperts #businessstrategy #iamamoneymagnet #moneymagnet

28 MIN
48. Your MONEY MINDSET is the Foundation of All Your Success as an Entrepreneur
MAR 6, 2024
48. Your MONEY MINDSET is the Foundation of All Your Success as an Entrepreneur

What is a MONEY MINDSET, and why is it so important to your success? 

Tune in to this week’s episode and learn the 6 key reasons why your money mindset is the cornerstone of your achievements as an entrepreneur.

Get actionable insights and practical strategies to elevate your mindset and attract abundance effortlessly.

If you're liking this episode you're going to want to check out the FREE 7-day trial of the
LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURS program. During the trial, you have access to 90 lessons that will help you scale your business strategically. Go to and get started today!

Looking for a step-by-step roadmap to help you build your coaching business to 6-figures? Check out the COACHING BUSINESS GROWTH ROADMAP limited series podcast. This isn't just about practical steps, but also about aligning your energy, money mindset, and business building habits to become a successful coach.

Highlights from this Episode of THE INNER POWER ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST:

00:02 - Law of Attraction Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Introduction to Money Mindset Mastery
03:01 - How to Measure Success as an Entrepreneur: The Role of Money Mindset
05:16 - Time Optimization: Transforming Scarcity into Abundance
11:37 - Sales Magnetism: Attracting Clients with Confidence and Alignment
14:28 - Conversion Conversations: Mastering the Art of Empowered Communication
17:19 - Willingness to Invest in Yourself: Unlocking the Path to Success
19:04 - Delegating and Investing in Experts: Elevating Your Business with Strategic Partnerships
20:48 - Celebrating Wins and Self-Care: Nurturing Your Success Mindset
22:42 - Action Steps for Money Mindset Mastery: Implementing the Inner Power Formula
24:36 - Recognizing the Impact of Self-Care on Entrepreneurial Success
26:10 - Reframing Beliefs: Transforming Limiting Mindsets into Empowered Actions
27:46 - Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs Program: Elevate Your Vibration, Scale Your Business
28:28 - Recap: Six Reasons Why Your Money Mindset is Key to Entrepreneurial Success

Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity for sustainable growth and prosperity in your business.


Welcome to the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Dr. Amanda! This podcast delivers science-based strategies to help you unlock your inner power so you can get what you want in life and business.

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur Episodes👇🏼

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group👇🏼

🌀 Get the Coaching Biz Growth Roadmap👇🏼

🌀 7 Day FREE TRIAL - Law of Attraction Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - UNLOCK 90 Lessons👇🏼

🌀 Free Course: Learn 5 Strategies to Reprogram Your Mindset to Magnetize Opportunities👇🏼

🌀 Get Free Chapters of Dr. Amanda's #InternationalBesteller - I Am a Money Magnet: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More👇🏼

🌀 Check Out Inner Power Daily™👇🏼

🌀 Schedule a Consult with Dr. Amanda👇🏼

🌀 Book Dr. Amanda for a Speaking Engagement👇🏼

🌀Connect with Dr. Amanda on the Socials @InnerPowerDaily👇🏼

#InnerPowerEntrepreneur #InnerPowerDaily #lawofattractionstrategies #EntrepreneurMindset #SixFigureSuccess #MoneyMindsetMastery #EntrepreneurialSuccess #TimeOptimization #EnergyAlignment #PowerfulBeliefs #SalesMagnetism #MoneyMindsetShift #VictimToVictor #LimitlessPotential #ATMEntrepreneur #ValueCreation #ZoneOfGenius #SuccessMeasurement #ImpactfulEntrepreneur #AlignedBusinessBuilding #CelebratingSuccess #SelfCareForSuccess #InvestInYourself #DelegateForGrowth #ExpertInvestment #CelebratingWins #HolisticWealth #VibrationalFrequency #ReframeYourMindset #ReprogramForSuccess #LawOfAttractionEntrepreneurs

29 MIN
47. What Characteristics Do You Need to Run a SUCCESSFUL COACHING BUSINESS?
FEB 28, 2024
47. What Characteristics Do You Need to Run a SUCCESSFUL COACHING BUSINESS?

What are the characteristics needed to run a successful business?

From crystal clear vision to heartfelt dedication, explore the 4 key traits you need for rapid growth and abundance.

If you're liking this episode you're going to want to check out the FREE 7-day trial of the
LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURS program. During the trial, you have access to 90 lessons that will help you scale your business strategically. Go to and get started today!

Looking for a step-by-step roadmap to help you build your coaching business to 6-figures? Check out the Coaching Business Growth Roadmap limited series podcast. This isn't just about practical steps, but also about aligning your energy, money mindset, and business building habits to become a successful coach.

Highlights from this Episode of THE INNER POWER ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST:
00:02 - How to Break Through to Six Figures in Your Coaching Business
03:57 - Defining Your Vision and Purpose for Business Success
06:03 - Heartfelt Dedication: Key to Client Success in Coaching
08:52 - Unlocking Your Zone of Genius for Business Growth
10:27 - Strategic Mindset: The Secret to Sustainable Business Success
12:23 - Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs: Transform Your Business
13:57 - Building a High-Vibe Community for Business Growth
15:52 - Mastering Lead Generation: Key to Business Expansion
17:38 - Pricing Strategies for Profitable Coaching Businesses
19:46 - Lifestyle Freedom: Designing Your Ideal Business
20:49 - Coaching Business Growth Roadmap: Your Path to Success

Remember, cultivating a strategic business mindset is key to achieving your business goals.

Take ownership of your time, align your actions with your vision, and watch your business thrive.


Welcome to the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Dr. Amanda! This podcast delivers science-based strategies to help you unlock your inner power so you can get what you want in life and business.

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur Episodes👇🏼

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group👇🏼

🌀 Get the Coaching Biz Growth Roadmap👇🏼

🌀 7 Day FREE TRIAL - Law of Attraction Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - UNLOCK 90 Lessons👇🏼

🌀 Free Course: Learn 5 Strategies to Reprogram Your Mindset to Magnetize Opportunities👇🏼

🌀 Get Free Chapters of Dr. Amanda's #InternationalBesteller - I Am a Money Magnet: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More👇🏼

🌀 Check Out Inner Power Daily™👇🏼

🌀 Schedule a Consult with Dr. Amanda👇🏼

🌀 Book Dr. Amanda for a Speaking Engagement👇🏼

🌀Connect with Dr. Amanda on the Socials @InnerPowerDaily👇🏼

#InnerPowerEntrepreneur #InnerPowerDaily #lawofattractionstrategies #moneybeliefs #LawOfAttraction #BusinessGrowth #CoachingSuccess #TimeManagement #ProductivityPowerhouse #RapidGrowth #EntrepreneurMindset #SuccessTips #Empowerment #MindsetMastery #PeakPerformance #TaskBatching #FiveMinuteMiracle #LawOfAttractionCoach #ServiceBasedBusiness #InnerPowerEntrepreneur #ManifestationZone #TimeHacks #MoneyMagnetism #ZoneOfGenius #LawOfAttractionSuccess #VibrationalFrequency #AlignedAction #BusinessSuccess #DrAmanda #InnerPowerFormula #TimeMaster #LawOfAttractionEntrepreneur

21 MIN
46. 3 LAW OF ATTRACTION TIME TIPS that Lead to Rapid Business Growth FOR COACHES
FEB 21, 2024
46. 3 LAW OF ATTRACTION TIME TIPS that Lead to Rapid Business Growth FOR COACHES


Ever feel like there's never enough time in the day to tackle your goals and dreams?

Well, I'm here to change that mindset and show you how to master your time like a pro. ⏰✨

Listen to this week’s full episode on the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast and start transforming your time management skills today! 🚀✨

If you're liking this episode you're going to want to check out the FREE 7-day trial of the
LAW OF ATTRACTION FOR ENTREPRENEURS program. This is a 15-minute morning routine specifically designed for entrepreneurs to get aligned for Rapid Business Growth.
Go to to unlock 90 LOA lessons FOR FREE.

Highlights from this Episode of THE INNER POWER ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST:

00:02 - Introduction to the Law of Attraction Strategies
00:23 - The Importance of Time in Business Growth
01:17 - Time Management Predicts Success
01:49 - Money Magnetism and Time-Wasting
02:31 - Productivity Powerhouse Principles
03:35 - Victim of Time vs. Master of Time
04:08 - Abundant Mindset Around Time and Money
05:11 - The 4 Zones of Business Growth
06:56 - Applying the Inner Power Formula to Time
09:35 - 3 Time Tips for Productivity
14:14 - Peak Performance Scheduling
15:06 - Rapid-fire Task Batching
17:24 - The Five Minute Miracle
20:34 - Recap and Final Thoughts

Remember, your time is a valuable resource that can propel you toward rapid business growth and success.


Welcome to the Inner Power Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Dr. Amanda! This podcast delivers science-based strategies to help you unlock your inner power so you can get what you want in life and business.

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur Episodes👇🏼

🌀 Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group👇🏼
Inner Power Entrepreneur FaceBook Group

🌀 Get the Rapid Biz Growth Roadmap👇🏼

🌀 7 Day FREE TRIAL - Law of Attraction Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs - UNLOCK 90 Lessons👇🏼

🌀 Free Course: Learn 5 Strategies to Reprogram Your Mindset to Magnetize Opportunities👇🏼

🌀 Get Free Chapters of Dr. Amanda's #InternationalBesteller - I Am a Money Magnet: The Top 30 Money Making AffirMantras to Manifest More👇🏼

🌀 Check Out Inner Power Daily™👇🏼

🌀 Schedule a Consult with Dr. Amanda👇🏼
Rapid Biz Growth Call

🌀 Book Dr. Amanda for a Speaking Engagement👇🏼

🌀Connect with Dr. Amanda on the Socials @InnerPowerDaily👇🏼

#InnerPowerEntrepreneur #InnerPowerDaily #lawofattractionstrategies #moneybeliefs #LawOfAttraction #BusinessGrowth #CoachingSuccess #TimeManagement #ProductivityPowerhouse #RapidGrowth #EntrepreneurMindset #SuccessTips #Empowerment #MindsetMastery #PeakPerformance #TaskBatching #FiveMinuteMiracle #LawOfAttractionCoach #ServiceBasedBusiness #InnerPowerEntrepreneur #ManifestationZone #TimeHacks #MoneyMagnetism #ZoneOfGenius #LawOfAttractionSuccess #VibrationalFrequency #AlignedAction #BusinessSuccess #DrAmanda #InnerPowerFormula #TimeMaster #LawOfAttractionEntrepreneur

22 MIN