167- Testimony: Powerful Renewal in the Holy Spirit- with John Knapp

DEC 9, 202446 MIN
Strength for Today's Pastor

167- Testimony: Powerful Renewal in the Holy Spirit- with John Knapp

DEC 9, 202446 MIN


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Pastor John Knapp of Calvary Chapel Green Valley in Henderson, Nevada is passionate about the Lord Jesus Christ and he and the fellowship he pastors are experiencing a wonderful time of renewal in the Holy Spirit. 

So, that's what we’re going to speaking with him about today … we'll hear their testimony and the wisdom the Spirit has given them.

John is the founding pastor of CC Green Valley and has pastored for years. I (Bill Holdridge) met John through being practically neighbors, and through the monthly senior pastor’s breakfast that happens in Las Vegas. 

It’s been said of some churches that if the Holy Spirit completely vacated the building and fellowship life, things wouldn’t miss a beat. Implying, of course, that all they had been doing was energized by human effort only, and not influenced by the very One Jesus prayed about to His Father, that He (the Holy Spirit) would be our parakletos.

How might a senior pastor move more into the realm and ministry of the Holy Spirit?

How does a pastor or congregation become open to the person of the Holy Spirit? 

What has Calvary Chapel Green Valley learned about how to seek God for and be open to the Holy Spirit's direction in the life of the pastor and the church?


Obviously, Poimen Ministries believes in the perpetuity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in the necessity of the Holy Spirit for a fruitful walk with the Lord and fruitful lives of ministry. 

Strength for Today’s Pastor includes these helpful podcast episodes:

035 - Are We Charismatic Enough? - with Pastor Paul Berry

064 Acts 2 Distinctives Series- the Power and Ministry of the Holy Spirit (with Holland Davis and Jim Hesterly)

096- The Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues- with Gayle Erwin

133- Are You Holy Spirit Qualified for the Ministry? (with Paul Berry)

 135- The Holy Spirit and Ministry: What Holds Us Back? (with Paul Berry)

The team of Poimen Ministries love the church of Jesus, and His pastors. Our ministry is to promote church health and revitalization by strengthening pastors, to strengthen their churches.

For Poimen Ministries, its staff, ministries, and focus, go to poimenministries.com. To contact Poimen Ministries, email us at [email protected]. May the Lord revive His work in the midst of these years!