Pause On The Play
Pause On The Play

Pause On The Play

Erica Courdae



Pause On The Play® is where you are challenged to examine your beliefs, question your predisposed notions, and consider realities you may be unfamiliar with in order to understand that they too are real. Erica Courdae and co-host India Jackson have real conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, visibility, mindset, and everything in between. Topics include imperfect allyship®, imposter syndrome, company culture, and how you can feel more aligned and empowered in your business marketing. Let's go beyond the surface and move into action, today.

Recent Episodes

Decolonizing Health and Nutrition with Dalina Soto
SEP 12, 2023
Decolonizing Health and Nutrition with Dalina Soto

Diet culture is everywhere.

What we consider healthy. What we consider unhealthy. The foods that we’re taught are good for us and the ones that we’re told to stay away from. How we think about food, health, and wellness is shaped by a culture steeped in white supremacy culture.

There is so much more nuance available to us around food, health, wellness, and culture–not to mention enjoyment–when we break down the binary of good vs. bad foods, healthy vs. unhealthy people.

Dalina Soto, MA, RDN, LDN joins Erica for a conversation about diet and wellness culture, why ancestral and cultural foods too often get left out of the conversation, and the policy and systemic influences on what we think of as “healthy” food.

In this discussion:

  • Why we need to expand binary thinking about nutrition and health
  • How nutritional guidelines in the US leave out large swaths of cultural and ancestral foods
  • The impacts of stress and other social determinants of health on the body, and why that’s a policy failure not a personal one
  • Taking guilt and shame out of doing what you can with what  you have when it comes to food

Connect with Dalina Soto, MA, RD, LDN:


Ready to dive deeper?

Connect with values-aligned entrepreneurs and employees across titles and industries inside The Pause on the Play® Community

Join a network of individuals committed to making their values explicit, evolving the way they show up for themselves and each other, and growing their influence together. 

Get access to community conversations, live Q&As and workshops, and our whole library of evergreen resources.

Learn more at

50 MIN
Tokenism and Gaslighting at Work with Gabi Day
AUG 8, 2023
Tokenism and Gaslighting at Work with Gabi Day

How do your identities impact the way you show up at work and how you interact with work culture?

How we move through the world is influenced by white supremacy, colorism, and capitalism, and it can have profound impacts on our working life and our physical and mental health.

And while none of us can extract ourselves entirely from these systems, it may be possible–even necessary–to say enough is enough and forge a new path.

Gabi Day joins Erica for a conversation about identity, work, capitalism, and her journey out of the corporate world to entrepreneurship.

In this discussion:

  • How toxic educational and work environments impact mental and physical health
  • How tokenism and gaslighting uphold systems of oppression
  • Making the personal political by showing up with your values in life and work

Connect with Gabi Day:


Ready to dive deeper?

How do I share my values when they aren’t related to my work? 

We’ve been conditioned to show up to work as our “professional” self and leave our personal beliefs behind. But the truth is, values inform every area of our life, so why try to compartmentalize?

Each month in The Pause on the Play® Community, we explore one specific way to make your values more explicit. Our curated connections and learning experiences will help you challenge harmful norms, show up as an imperfect ally®, and live in alignment.

Learn more at

38 MIN
Bringing the Body Back to the Whole Self with María-Victoria Albina
JUL 25, 2023
Bringing the Body Back to the Whole Self with María-Victoria Albina
51 MIN