<description>&lt;p&gt;Natalie Jackson has been a professional pollster for 20 years.  She and Roger have a calm &amp; rational discussion about the actual status of the Presidential election race, the problems with polling alternative Dem nominees to Biden, whether Trump's polling numbers are accurate, and more.&lt;/p&gt;</description>


Roger King

Episode 44 - Natalie Jackson, Fmr. Sr. Polling Editor, HuffPost & VP, GQR Research

JUL 18, 202442 MIN

Episode 44 - Natalie Jackson, Fmr. Sr. Polling Editor, HuffPost & VP, GQR Research

JUL 18, 202442 MIN


Natalie Jackson has been a professional pollster for 20 years.  She and Roger have a calm & rational discussion about the actual status of the Presidential election race, the problems with polling alternative Dem nominees to Biden, whether Trump's polling numbers are accurate, and more.