Paper Talk
Paper Talk

Paper Talk

Sara Kim of Handmade by Sara Kim, Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey and Jessie Chui of Crafted to Bloom



The Evolution of Paper Talk… Our journey began in 2017 when the Paper Talk community took root as a Facebook group, providing a safe haven for paper flower enthusiasts to connect, share knowledge, and find like-minded artists from all corners of the world. As the community flourished, so did our opportunities to expand and collaborate. The establishment of The Paper Florists Collective led to inspiring multi-day workshops in Seattle and Toronto, attracting makers from across the globe. Soon after, our commitment to sharing knowledge grew even stronger, giving rise to a weekly podcast featuring leaders and artists from both within and beyond our community. Alongside this, we introduced online education programs like the Paper to Profits Program and Paper X Talk lecture series, dedicated to nurturing paper flower entrepreneurs. Our continuous growth prompted the natural evolution of our name, moving from The Paper Florists Collective to the unified identity of Paper Talk across all platforms. As we step into 2023, we warmly welcome Sara as a new co-host alongside Quynh, while Jessie remains a cherished presence, offering occasional insights. Throughout these changes, our unwavering mission remains steadfast: to foster creativity, connections, and growth as artists, makers, and entrepreneurs, united by the love for paper flowers. Join us as we continue to share ideas, stories, and inspire a vibrant community of creatives.

Recent Episodes

Ep 152: Creating Content that Captivates
APR 18, 2024
Ep 152: Creating Content that Captivates

Welcome to Episode 152 of Paper Talk Podcast, where we explore the ever-evolving world of content creation in the digital age. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, content creation has become a cornerstone of success for businesses and entrepreneurs. Through this episode, we aim to shed light on the importance of crafting compelling content and provide actionable insights to help you elevate your digital presence.

We dive deep into the art of content creation, uncovering valuable strategies and techniques that creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs can implement to captivate their audience. From the power of visual storytelling to the secrets of social media success and impactful content creation strategies, there's something here for everyone looking to make their mark in the digital realm.

Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

  • Importance of maintaining a visually appealing workspace for content creation
  • Balancing personal life and professional image on social media
  • Investing in high-quality equipment for improved content production
  • Emphasizing the value of process videos in engaging with audiences
  • Developing a unique style to attract and retain followers

Listen now to hear all of the details! Join us as we explore the dynamic world of content creation and unlock the secrets to crafting content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful engagement.

The Art of Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level. As we emphasize in the episode, the use of compelling visuals can evoke emotions and convey brand stories in a way that resonates with viewers. 

When you listen to the podcast, you’ll hear valuable tips and strategies for harnessing the power of visual storytelling. From the use of captivating imagery to the incorporation of videos and infographics, there are countless ways to leverage visuals to convey your brand's message effectively. For instance, incorporate user-generated content to add authenticity to your brand's narrative. By showcasing real-life experiences and testimonials, you can forge genuine connections with your audience and build trust over time.

In Episode 152, we also delve into the psychology behind visual storytelling, exploring how emotions and authenticity play a crucial role in engaging viewers. By infusing creativity and authenticity into your visual content, you can create meaningful connections with your audience and drive brand loyalty. Tune in to learn more about the art of visual storytelling and discover how you can leverage visuals to elevate your brand's digital presence.

Social Media Success Secrets

Social media platforms have revolutionized the way brands connect with their audience, offering unparalleled opportunities for content distribution and brand building. In the episode, we uncover the secrets to social media success, sharing expert advice on leveraging different platforms effectively. From understanding platform algorithms to engaging with your audience authentically, there are countless strategies you can employ to maximize your social media presence.

On the podcast we share real-life examples and case studies of successful social media campaigns, offering valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in the world of social media marketing. For example, Sara shared: "Even if you're just selling your product, some kind of process video is always so fun to watch and to look at."

Join us as we uncover the secrets to social media success and learn how you can take your social media marketing efforts to the next level.

Content Creation Strategies for Impact

Creating impactful content requires more than just creativity; it demands a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your audience's needs and preferences. In Episode 152, we delve into various content creation strategies designed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. From storytelling frameworks to content repurposing and distribution tactics, there are countless ways to craft content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful engagement.

On the podcast, we emphasize the importance of authenticity and originality in content creation, encouraging you to stay true to your brand's voice and values. By prioritizing authenticity and creativity, you can differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace and forge meaningful connections with your audience. We share actionable tips and best practices for creating content that cuts through the noise and captures your audience's attention.

Moreover, we explore the concept of content repurposing and distribution, highlighting how you can maximize the impact of your content across different channels. From blog posts to podcasts and social media posts, there are countless ways to repurpose your content and reach new audiences. By diversifying your content strategy and experimenting with different formats, you can attract and engage audiences across various platforms. Tune in now to discover how you can create impactful content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Quynh: "Sometimes you need to show your softer side, the you side, the funny side, the hot mess sometimes."

We encourage you to listen to the full episode for in-depth discussions and actionable tips that will inspire you to take your content creation efforts to the next level. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the secrets of content creation and propel your brand to new heights.

Be sure to listen to the entire episode for many more insights. For more inspiring discussions and helpful tips, be sure to join us on the Paper Talk Podcast or in
our Facebook group. Please also consider donating on our website to help us keep producing great content like this. Together, we'll continue to grow, learn, and celebrate the artistry of paper flowers. Thank you for being part of our wonderful community.

31 MIN
Ep 151: Elevate Your Pinterest Presence with Gisela Santos
APR 4, 2024
Ep 151: Elevate Your Pinterest Presence with Gisela Santos

In today's digital landscape, social media platforms play a crucial role in connecting businesses with their audience. While platforms like Instagram and TikTok often steal the spotlight, there's one platform that holds immense potential for creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs: Pinterest. In Episode 151 of Paper Talk, we sit down with Gisela Santos, the mastermind behind Love Bloom Social, to uncover the secrets of leveraging Pinterest to drive website traffic and engagement.

Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

  • Learn practical tips for optimizing Pinterest profiles, creating engaging pins, and utilizing keywords to maximize visibility.
  • Discover the overlooked potential of Pinterest as a vital tool for driving website traffic and engagement.
  • Explore how Pinterest serves as a unique one-stop destination for inspiration and idea exploration, unlike traditional social media platforms.
  • Gain insights into why Pinterest might have been neglected in favor of other social media platforms and the surprising impact it can have on revenue.
  • Hear success stories of achieving remarkable growth by creating innovative and visually appealing content.

Tune in now to hear all of Gisela’s amazing expertise, but here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn when you listen to the full episode:

The Unique Role of Pinterest in the Social Media Landscape

Pinterest stands out among social media platforms due to its unique approach to content discovery and sharing. Unlike platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where users primarily engage with real-time updates, Pinterest serves as a visual search engine where individuals discover and save content for future reference. As Gisela Santos explains in the episode, Pinterest is more than just a social network; it's a hub for inspiration and idea exploration. Gisela highlights how Pinterest users often turn to the platform to discover information and improve their crafts, making it an invaluable resource for creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs.

Despite its potential to drive significant traffic and engagement, Pinterest has been overlooked by some businesses and creators. On the podcast, Gisela delves into the reasons behind this neglect, citing misconceptions about the platform's relevance and effectiveness. She emphasizes the importance of understanding Pinterest's unique dynamics and its role in the social media landscape. 

Listen now so you can learn more about tapping into Pinterest's niche appeal and the diverse interests of its user base. You can unlock the vast potential for growth and brand visibility found on this underutilized platform.

Expert Strategies for Pinterest Success

In the episode, Gisela shares expert tips for optimizing Pinterest profiles and creating engaging content that resonates with the platform's audience. One key strategy she emphasizes is the importance of incorporating relevant keywords into pin titles, descriptions, and alt text. By doing so, businesses can improve their visibility in Pinterest search results and attract a wider audience interested in their products or services. Gisela also stresses the value of innovative content creation, urging businesses to think creatively and deliver content that stands out amidst the platform's visual landscape.

When you listen, you’ll hear Gisela’s account of achieving over a million views a month for one of her pins. Learn how she achieved this success and how you can use the same strategies to help your pins succeed. Highlighting success stories of personal accounts achieving remarkable growth through strategic Pinterest use further underscores the platform's potential as a powerful marketing tool. 

Building Long-term Relationships

One of the unique aspects of Pinterest that we discuss in the episode is the unique opportunity for businesses to foster long-term relationships with their audience. Unlike other social media platforms where content may have a fleeting lifespan, Pinterest pins have the potential for indefinite visibility and ongoing engagement. By consistently sharing valuable content and actively participating in the Pinterest community, businesses can cultivate trust and loyalty among their followers. This trust forms the foundation of sustainable growth, as loyal customers are more likely to advocate for and patronize businesses over time.

Leveraging this long-term trust and visibility is essential to building your creative brand. Nurturing a strong base of support is how you can turn one time customers into lifelong fans of your art. Be sure to listen to the episode to learn more about the unique way Pinterest can help you foster these relationships.

“For anyone that wants to get on Pinterest, make sure that what you're posting, what you're creating, is innovative and that it's visually pleasing, either in an image format or in a video format, and make sure that your target audience is as wide as it can be.” - Gisela

For creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs, Pinterest holds untapped potential as a powerful marketing tool. By implementing expert strategies shared by Gisela Santos in Episode 151 of Paper Talk, businesses can unlock Pinterest's potential to drive website traffic, boost engagement, and expand their reach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your online presence and grow your business with Pinterest. Tune in to the full episode now and start your Pinterest journey towards success!

Be sure to listen to the entire episode for many more insights. For more inspiring discussions and helpful tips, be sure to join us on the Paper Talk Podcast or in our Facebook group. Please also consider donating on our website to help us keep producing great content like this. Together, we'll continue to grow, learn, and celebrate the artistry of paper flowers. Thank you for being part of our wonderful community.

By adopting these strategies and embracing Pinterest as a valuable marketing tool, creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs can position themselves for success in the digital age. Don't underestimate the power of Pinterest – unlock its potential today and watch your business flourish.

29 MIN
Ep 150: From Creative Crafting to Building a Business
MAR 21, 2024
Ep 150: From Creative Crafting to Building a Business

Welcome to Paper Talk, where we unravel the mysteries behind the creative business world! If you've ever dreamt of turning your passion for crafting into a flourishing enterprise, you're in the right place.

In this sneak peek into our latest episode, we're diving deep into the secrets of artisan entrepreneurship. From pricing strategies that evolved from $1 paper flowers to valuing artist expertise, to uncovering the lucrative potential of creative niches like weddings and giant flower installations, our conversation is brimming with inspiration and invaluable insights.

So, if you're ready to unlock the doors to success, join us as we explore the fascinating world of artisan entrepreneurship. Let's dive in and discover the strategies, challenges, and triumphs that await on the path to crafting business success. Don't miss out—listen to the full episode on Paper Talk Podcast now!

Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

  • The importance of transitioning in business and finding your true passion.
  • Insights into the mindset of charging what you're worth and overcoming the expectation of low pricing.
  • The potential for profitability in niche markets.
  • Tips for managing large-scale crafting projects efficiently while maintaining quality standards.
  • Practical advice and inspiration for creative entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses and maximize their earning potential.

Unveiling Pricing Strategies

In our latest episode, we delve into the intricate art of pricing strategies in the crafting business world. Sara's journey from selling $1 paper flowers to establishing a profitable crafting enterprise is a testament to the importance of pricing expertise. We explore how we both navigated the challenges of determining the value of handmade creations and the evolution of our pricing strategies over time.

From understanding the true costs of materials and labor to recognizing the value of artisan expertise, we share invaluable insights that every budding entrepreneur in the crafting industry can learn from. We uncover the delicate balance between setting prices that reflect the true worth of handmade goods and remaining competitive in the market.

Navigating the Challenges

In this episode, we discuss the common pitfalls many crafters face, such as undervaluing their time and expertise, and the importance of conducting thorough market research to stay competitive. Our candid insights shed light on the importance of adapting strategies to suit evolving market trends and customer demands.

From grappling with imposter syndrome to finding the confidence to price products according to their true value, we covered a lot of ground when it comes to navigating these common challenges in the small business world. Join us as we explore the strategies and mindset shifts necessary to thrive in the competitive world of crafting business.

The Power of Community and Support

One of the most compelling aspects of this episode is the emphasis on the power of community and support networks in the paper flower industry and creative industries beyond. 

We explore the benefits of joining crafting communities both online and offline, where individuals can exchange ideas, seek advice, and find encouragement during challenging times. Our stories highlight the importance of building meaningful relationships within the crafting community, fostering a sense of belonging, and finding inspiration from fellow artisans.

Moreover, we delve into the significance of mentorship and the transformative impact it can have on crafting entrepreneurs. We reflect on the invaluable guidance received from mentors who helped us navigate the complexities of business growth.

By fostering a supportive community and seeking guidance from experienced mentors, aspiring crafting entrepreneurs can gain the confidence and knowledge needed to overcome obstacles and achieve success in their endeavors. 

"Can we talk about the mindset of charging what you're worth versus the expectation of people that think I can make a paper flower for a dollar and that's how much you should charge..." Quynh

As we conclude this sneak peek into our latest episode, we invite you to join us on Paper Talk Podcast to explore the fascinating world of entrepreneurship.

From navigating the challenges of pricing strategies to finding inspiration in the supportive network of fellow crafters, our discussion exemplifies the transformative power of connections and collaboration within the crafting community. Whether you're a seasoned artisan or an aspiring entrepreneur, there's something to learn and gain from the experiences shared in each episode.

For more inspiring discussions and helpful tips, be sure to join us on the Paper Talk Podcast or in our Facebook group. Please also consider donating on our website to help us keep producing great content like this. Together, we'll continue to grow, learn, and celebrate the artistry of paper flowers. Thank you for being part of our wonderful community.

33 MIN
Episode 149: A Panel Discussion on Book Publishing for Paper Artists
MAR 7, 2024
Episode 149: A Panel Discussion on Book Publishing for Paper Artists

Welcome to the vibrant world of PaperTalk Podcast, where creativity blooms, and artistic journeys unfold. In this episode, we invite you to join us on an illuminating exploration into the realm of paper artistry and book publishing. Join Quynh and Sara, alongside artists Jessie Chui, Anna Chedid, Lucia Balcazar, Susan Beech, and Eileen Lim. 

Through engaging conversations with our guests, we uncover a tapestry of insights, experiences, and invaluable advice. Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the passion-driven endeavors of our guests and glean firsthand knowledge from our publishing endeavors.

Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

  • Diverse Artistic Approaches: Gain insights into our diverse approaches to our craft, influenced by personal lives, studio setups, and time management.
  • Book Publishing Experiences: Explore our experiences in publishing books, including challenges, differences in processes, and the excitement of seeing book covers.
  • Transitioning Between Art Forms: Learn how artists, like Jessie, transition between different art forms, exploring new dimensions of creativity.
  • Navigating Opportunities: Discover strategies for seizing opportunities, managing time effectively, and learning to say 'no' when needed.
  • Tips for Aspiring Artists and Authors: Receive valuable tips for aspiring artists and authors, covering topics like self-publishing, unique selling points, and building a strong online presence.

Tune in to hear all of this and more. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover: 

Entrepreneurial Growth: Embracing Change and Innovation

The journey of artistic growth is a perpetual quest for knowledge and refinement. In the episode, our panelists emphasize the importance of continuous learning and receptivity to feedback in honing one's craft. Quynh's experience of working with an external editor sheds light on the value of seeking external perspectives to enhance the quality of creative output. Anna's advice to "do what makes you happy" underscores the intrinsic link between passion and artistic fulfillment, urging aspiring artists to stay true to their creative vision while embracing opportunities for growth and learning.

Creativity and entrepreneurship often go hand in hand, requiring artists to adapt to evolving trends and seize new opportunities. Jessie's pivot towards image-making and sculpture serves as a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit inherent in artists. By exploring new mediums and avenues for expression, artists can stay relevant in a dynamic artistic landscape. As Jessie emphasizes in the episode, "Put yourself out there, meet different people... you never know what might happen."

Listen to the podcast to hear all about her journey, as well as tips for time management, navigating the balance between personal and entrepreneurial endeavors, and rekindling your passion for paper flowers amidst the many demands of our busy lives.

Embarking on the Publishing Journey: Insights into the World of Book Creation

Venturing into the realm of publishing can be both exhilarating and daunting. Our guests offer valuable advice for aspiring authors, shedding light on the intricacies of the publishing process. From pitching book proposals to finding the right publisher, their experiences provide invaluable guidance for budding authors. As Susan aptly advises, "Leave no stone unturned," emphasizing the importance of perseverance and exploration in securing publishing deals.

In a crowded literary marketplace, identifying and accentuating one's unique selling points is paramount to success. By honing in on your distinct voice and artistic vision, you can carve out a niche for yourself in the competitive publishing landscape. Listen now to hear all about finding your unique place in the book world and more, like how to collaborate effectively with others to enhance the final version of your writing. 

Nurturing Artistic Growth: Cultivating a Thriving Creative Practice

The journey of an artist is marked by constant evolution and adaptation. Our guests share their experiences of embracing change and continuously honing their craft. From Lucia's return to paper flower crafting after a hiatus to Jessie's exploration of new artistic avenues, their stories underscore the importance of flexibility and growth mindset in sustaining a thriving creative practice. 

Collaboration and community play pivotal roles in fostering artistic growth and professional development. In the episode, our panelists emphasize the importance of networking, seeking feedback, and building meaningful relationships within the creative community. Quynh's advice to "start following [publishers] and comment on their photos" exemplifies the proactive approach needed to cultivate connections in the publishing industry. By nurturing a supportive network of peers, aspiring authors and artists can find encouragement, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration on their creative journey.

"I've talked about it before about putting yourself out there, your face out there, meeting different people because you never know what might happen." -Jessie

In conclusion, our engaging conversation with talented artists and authors on the Paper Talk Podcast offers valuable insights into the multifaceted world of paper artistry and creative entrepreneurship. Through their experiences, we've discovered the importance of embracing change, managing time effectively, and cultivating a supportive network to fuel artistic growth. Whether you're a seasoned artist or an aspiring creator, there's much to learn from the diverse paths and perspectives shared by our guests.

We invite you to listen to the full episode for a deeper dive into their stories and glean inspiration for your own creative journey. Remember, the road to artistic success is often paved with continuous learning, adaptability, and collaboration. As you navigate your path as an artist or entrepreneur, may you find joy in the process and fulfillment in the pursuit of your creative endeavors.

Tune in to the Paper Talk Podcast to explore more fascinating conversations with artists, authors, and innovators shaping the world of paper artistry and beyond. Join us as we celebrate the boundless creativity and passion that enriches our lives and communities.

41 MIN
Episode 148: Our Favorite Paper Flower Tools and Sources
FEB 22, 2024
Episode 148: Our Favorite Paper Flower Tools and Sources

Welcome to the Paper Talk Podcast, your gateway to the captivating world of paper crafting. In our latest episode, join us as we delve into the heart of paper artistry, exploring the importance of experimentation, unveiling our must-have tools, and divulging our favorite sources for paper flower supplies. 

Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

  • Explore the difficulties between cardstock paper and crepe paper, and the techniques used to overcome these challenges.
  • Learn about our preferred tools like hot glue guns, wire cutters, and guillotine cutters, and the importance of finding tools that suit individual preferences and needs.
  • Tips on sourcing supplies such as wires and wire cutters, including recommendations for specific brands and sources both online and offline.
  • How experimentation has led us to discover what works best for us.

Here’s quick look at what you can expect when you tune into the entire episode:

Embracing Experimentation

At the core of every successful paper artist's journey lies a spirit of experimentation. From exploring different types of paper to testing various cutting techniques, embracing experimentation is key to finding the tools and techniques that resonate with your unique artistic vision. In our conversation, Sara reflects on her experience, stating, "Yeah, it is harder to definitely manipulate shaping with cardstock paper. So that's always something that I'm working on." This sentiment highlights the ongoing process of discovery and innovation inherent in paper crafting.

We discuss the role of trial and error in our own artistic journeys, sharing stories of challenges, breakthroughs, and moments of inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned artisan or a curious beginner, we encourage you to fearlessly explore new avenues in your paper crafting endeavors, knowing that every experiment brings you one step closer to unlocking your creative potential.

Essential Tools We Can't Live Without

In our quest for paper crafting perfection, certain tools have become indispensable companions in our creative pursuits. From precision wire cutters to trusty glue guns, we reveal the essential tools that form the backbone of our crafting arsenal.

For example, in the episode Quynh shares, "I've tried multiple [guillotine cutters] and I would say the plastic guillotine cutter is a no in my book." Her candid assessment highlights the importance of quality and reliability when choosing crafting tools. By investing in high-quality equipment, artisans can enhance efficiency, precision, and creativity in their projects, empowering them to bring their artistic visions to life with ease.

Listen now to hear all about scissors, glue guns, paper, and more!

Unveiling Our Favorite Sources for Paper Flower Supplies

No paper crafting journey is complete without access to high-quality supplies. In the episode, we lift the veil on some of our favorite sources for paper flower materials, guiding you through a world of specialty papers, floral wires, and embellishments.

We both reveal the best places to buy the most important part of our art: the paper! Being flexible with where you source your supplies is very important in the world of paper flowers. There isn’t just one store that holds every color, weight, tool, etc. that you might need on your creative journey. Stay open to new sourcing opportunities and constantly evolve to meet the demands of your craft. Be sure to tune in to learn about the many different places we use to find the best supplies for our art.

"I do love looking at paper, touching it and being in person and in the store." - Sara

As passionate advocates for paper crafting, we're delighted to share our expertise and insights to inspire fellow enthusiasts on their creative journeys. Through the Paper Talk Podcast, we strive to foster a community of like-minded individuals who share a love for creativity, craftsmanship, and the transformative power of paper. Whether you're a seasoned artisan seeking fresh inspiration or a curious beginner eager to explore the world of paper crafting, our latest episode offers a treasure trove of knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice to fuel your passion for creativity. Join us and unlock the boundless possibilities of paper crafting today!

For more inspiring discussions and helpful tips, be sure to join us on the Paper Talk Podcast or in our Facebook group. Please also consider donating on our website to help us keep producing great content like this. Together, we'll continue to grow, learn, and celebrate the artistry of paper flowers. Thank you for being part of our wonderful community.

44 MIN