Kat, DragonRider, Smarms
This week we look back at our set review for Perils in paradise and see what we got right and what we got wrong. We also did a story time about some fun games we had recently.
Where can we find you?
Doctor 3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Doctor3HS
Email us: [email protected]
Discord - https://discord.com/invite/qY8SxKJ
Kat - https://twitter.com/Alkaline_Kat, https://www.twitch.tv/AlkalineKat
Dragon - https://twitter.com/dawniedk , https://www.twitch.tv/dragonriderTCCG
Smarms - https://twitter.com/sendmeyourarms https://www.twitch.tv/sendmeyourarms & Blizzlet podcast