The media and the politicians are getting their viewership up by creating anxiety, partisanship and animosity. The more they drum up their one-sided propaganda, the more we are led to believe how wrong the other party is. The results:
- We as a country are stuck in the mud, deeper and deeper into divisiveness.
- We continue on the destructive path of viewing "us" versus "them".
- The more we watch this rating-driven, drama packed media distortion, the more we feel anxious, depressed, hopeless, helpless.
- To watch is as a video
- To read it as a blog
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Joanne Z. Tan, Brand Strategist, 10 Plus Brand, Inc.

Episode 97: News, Anxiety and Partisanship_2 Minute Insight from Joanne Z. Tan

SEP 30, 20232 MIN

Episode 97: News, Anxiety and Partisanship_2 Minute Insight from Joanne Z. Tan

SEP 30, 20232 MIN


The media and the politicians are getting their viewership up by creating anxiety, partisanship and animosity. The more they drum up their one-sided propaganda, the more we are led to believe how wrong the other party is. The results:

- We as a country are stuck in the mud, deeper and deeper into divisiveness.

- We continue on the destructive path of viewing "us" versus "them".

- The more we watch this rating-driven, drama packed media distortion, the more we feel anxious, depressed, hopeless, helpless.


- To watch is as a video

- To read it as a blog

Please don't forget to like it, comment, or better, SHARE IT WITH OTHERS, thank you!

- To stay in the loop, subscribe to our Newsletter 

- To download free ebook 

(About 10 Plus Brand: In addition to the “whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brand. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)

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