<description>&lt;div&gt;For the past week, Brian has been sharing the first five entries from his newest book, &lt;strong&gt;The Five Marks of a Man Devotional: 60 Days to a Powerful Life&lt;/strong&gt;. Written to encourage and empower men toward lives of aggressive and courageous manhood, it is a perfect guide for men of all ages.&lt;br&gt;
On this final day, Brian sets his sights on &lt;strong&gt;Mark 5: Men Are Protectors&lt;/strong&gt;… and that means having a strong offense and defense. &lt;br&gt;
Get your own copy of the devotional over on &lt;a href="https://a.co/d/gAqiWeG"&gt;Amazon&lt;/a&gt;, or in bookstores everywhere.&lt;/div&gt;

The Aggressive Life with Brian Tome

The Aggressive Life with Brian Tome

Defense & Offense—Five Marks of a Man Devotional, Day 5

DEC 7, 20246 MIN
The Aggressive Life with Brian Tome

Defense & Offense—Five Marks of a Man Devotional, Day 5

DEC 7, 20246 MIN


<div>For the past week, Brian has been sharing the first five entries from his newest book, <strong>The Five Marks of a Man Devotional: 60 Days to a Powerful Life</strong>. Written to encourage and empower men toward lives of aggressive and courageous manhood, it is a perfect guide for men of all ages.<br> <br> On this final day, Brian sets his sights on <strong>Mark 5: Men Are Protectors</strong>… and that means having a strong offense and defense. <br> <br> Get your own copy of the devotional over on <a href="https://a.co/d/gAqiWeG">Amazon</a>, or in bookstores everywhere.</div>