Ep. 70: Remembering Heaven - Important Knowledge That We Are Sons & Daughters of God - Sarah Hinze

OCT 11, 202261 MIN
Still Rowing Podcast

Ep. 70: Remembering Heaven - Important Knowledge That We Are Sons & Daughters of God - Sarah Hinze

OCT 11, 202261 MIN


Sarah Hinze tells of her significant experiences sharing her award-winning documentary, "Remembering Heaven" with audiences from all around the world. And, importantly, the life-changing impact this film has had on so many to hear the evidence it provides of the doctrinal truth that we are all sons and daughters of Heavenly Father.Read more about Remembering Heaven and Sarah Hinze at https://www.sarahhinze.com/ Sarah's books can be ordered on Amazon and her website. The Announcing Dream, Memories of Heaven, The Memory Catcher, The Castaways.Remembering Heaven movie poster and trailer at: www.rememberingheavenmovie.com and on Facebook at Remembering Heaven. DVDs of Remembering Heaven can be ordered at www.rememberingheaven.com - $20 includes shipping worldwide.Contact Sarah at [email protected]