Sweat Box Talk
Sweat Box Talk

Sweat Box Talk

Amber Kanaly



Make your HOT mess your FIERY message on The Sweat Box Talk!

Sweat Box Talk is all about being your REAL and RAW self. The dream of this podcast was birthed inside the sweaty walls of a dry sauna, where people have no pretenses and pour out random thoughts and steamy life experiences. The piping hot tales of the Sweat Box Talk will continue to grow as more people share their life story, free of judgement and criticism. We cannot change our past or undo what was lost, but we can chose to make THIS day count.

My personal hope is that one guest at a time will inspire, empower and motivate others to put on a sizzling NEW pair of lenses to see the light and unique qualities each human being has within themselves. It is my passion to help each person remove the lens of prejudices and bias, by growing in genuine love and compassion for all stinky, sweaty humans we live amongst every single day. Grab your favorite ear buds and a comfy spot to absorb these steamy drops of knowledge and spicy words of wisdom that undoubtedly came through blood, sweat and tears.