Jazz podcast (2016-07-17) from Magnatune.com

Song listing:
00:00  Artist: Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
       Song:   01-Miss Wonderful 
       Album:  Look for the Sunshine
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/mike_goudreau

03:39  Artist: Bluesboy Jag
       Song:   07-Reckless Woman Blues 
       Album:  Cypress Grove Blues
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/jag

06:36  Artist: Bluesboy Jag
       Song:   11-Barroom Boogie 
       Album:  Cypress Grove Blues
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/jag

09:53  Artist: Eternal Jazz Project
       Song:   06-Meander 
       Album:  GratisJazz
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/ejp

15:00  Artist: Jive Ass Sleepers
       Song:   12-On The Run 
       Album:  Gettin Down to Business
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/jiveasssleepers

20:00  Artist: Park St Trio
       Song:   01-Fernet 
       Album:  3 Plus 5
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/park_st_trio

26:40  Artist: Iordache
       Song:   01-Triangle 
       Album:  One Life Left
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/iordache

35:52  Artist: Ehren Starks
       Song:   11-Leaving the Theatre 
       Album:  Lines Build Walls
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/ehren

41:05  Artist: Laura Dreyer
       Song:   01-Mysterious Encounter 
       Album:  Mysterious Encounter
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/laura_dreyer

47:19  Artist: Jive Ass Sleepers
       Song:   05-Back At The Blue Note 
       Album:  New Jazz Galaxy
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/jiveasssleepers

51:16  Artist: Peggy Duquesnel
       Song:   08-Kiwi Friend 
       Album:  Old Friends
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/peggy_duquesnel

56:21  Artist: Wavebuffet
       Song:   06-Sige la Fila 
       Album:  Strictly Eclectic
       URL:    http://magnatune.com/artists/wavebuffet

61:07  closing credits

All music played on our podcasts comes from http://magnatune.com

More info: http://magnatune.com/podcasts/details/magnatune_jazz_podcast_2016_07_17
Podcast home: http://magnatune.com/podcasts/jazz
Subscribe: http://magnatune.com/podcasts/xml/jazz.xml

Jazz podcast from Magnatune.com


2016-07-17 Jazz podcast from Magnatune

JUL 18, 201658 MIN
Jazz podcast from Magnatune.com

2016-07-17 Jazz podcast from Magnatune

JUL 18, 201658 MIN


In this podcast: 1. Mike Goudreau Jazz Band, 2. Bluesboy Jag, 3. Bluesboy Jag, 4. Eternal Jazz Project, 5. Jive Ass Sleepers, 6. Park St Trio, 7. Iordache, 8. Ehren Starks, 9. Laura Dreyer, 10. Jive Ass Sleepers, 11. Peggy Duquesnel, 12. Wavebuffet