<p>Modern day animal communicator, Meg Dolitte, is trained under world-renowned animal communicator and author, Maia Kincaid, and has worked with animals across Canada, the USA, Europe and Asia. Listen in as she shares more about her abilities as well as readings for Sarah and Laurel's loved pups!&nbsp;</p>

What is dog

Sarah & Laurel

Guest: Modern Day Dolittle

DEC 8, 201949 MIN
What is dog

Guest: Modern Day Dolittle

DEC 8, 201949 MIN


<p>Modern day animal communicator, Meg Dolitte, is trained under world-renowned animal communicator and author, Maia Kincaid, and has worked with animals across Canada, the USA, Europe and Asia. Listen in as she shares more about her abilities as well as readings for Sarah and Laurel's loved pups!&nbsp;</p>