Past Live Regression of Alice Mitchell of Melbourne Australia by Rhonda Hale S2E3
In this episode you will meet Alice Mitchell who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Her life IS a truly fully vintage lifestyle. She lives very consciously to support a sustainable existence. Alice is a wife and mother and business owner. (please scroll down to find the links to her social media and businesses.) She is going into her #pastliferegression with the desire to understand her calling and have a more clear direction on how to accomplish it. After we visit a little on her goals i take her into a deep trance that took about 45 minutes, I cut most of that out of this recording in an effort to shorten the recording. It is my practice to not only regress my clients to the past life experience but to facilitate quantum energy healing as well as download the wisdom and knowledge that was gained from this particular past life that will become a support on a cellular level to assist them in their current life challenge. This is truly a life changing experience.
You can follow Alice on Instagram @lavender.and.cream and @mrsdorisdraper
and check out her very cool vintage inspired company
I am a Hypnotherapist, certified in Past Life Regression, Medical Hypnosis, General Hypnosis and Guided Imagery Hypnosis. If you are interested in working with me, you can email me directly;
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