<description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-weight: 400;"&gt;The birth control pill, which many of us just call "the pill," officially turns 60 years old this year. Instead of just breaking out the cake and candles, we’re telling you the story of the pill. Where did this remarkable invention even come from? And what doors did it open up for our parents and grandparents? &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-weight: 400;"&gt;Additionally, when considering the history of remarkable inventions, how do we address the harm that was done along the way?&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p style="padding-left: 40px;"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;“College jobs, families, sex. So much came from the pill. And it came because people suffered for it. That that women, black and brown women in particular, were treated like second class citizens. And, you know, you just, that’s a sad part of the world that we live in.”&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-weight: 400;"&gt;Jonathan Eig is the author of&lt;/span&gt; &lt;a href= "https://wwnorton.com/books/The-Birth-of-the-Pill/%20"&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;span style="font-weight: 400;"&gt; Birth of the Pill&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;span style= "font-weight: 400;"&gt;and joins us from Chicago, Illinois to delve into this fascinating, amazing, and shadowy story. &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-weight: 400;"&gt;For more information on today’s episode visit &lt;a href= "https://helloclue.com/podcast/hormonal-podcast-clue"&gt;helloclue.com/hormonal&lt;/a&gt;. And to find out how to support the work here at Clue, go to &lt;a href="https://helloclue.com/articles/about-clue/introducing-clue-plus?utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_medium=midroll&amp;utm_campaign=season_2"&gt; Clue.Plus&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Episode Links&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;HelloClue:&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;a href= "https://helloclue.com/articles/about-clue/how-we-think-about-birth-control-at-clue"&gt; How we think about birth control at Clue&lt;/a&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;HelloClue:&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;a href= "https://helloclue.com/articles/sex/birth-control-pills-101"&gt;Birth control pills 101&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;HelloClue:&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;a href= "https://helloclue.com/articles/about-clue/how-to-use-clue-if-youre-on-the-hormonal-birth-control-pill"&gt; How to use Clue if you’re on the hormonal birth control pill&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Planned Parenthood: &lt;a href= "https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/birth-control-pill"&gt; Birth Control Pills&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt;</description>


Clue BioWink

Happy Birthday, birth control!

NOV 10, 202041 MIN

Happy Birthday, birth control!

NOV 10, 202041 MIN


The birth control pill, which many of us just call "the pill," officially turns 60 years old this year. Instead of just breaking out the cake and candles, we’re telling you the story of the pill. Where did this remarkable invention even come from? And what doors did it open up for our parents and grandparents? 

Additionally, when considering the history of remarkable inventions, how do we address the harm that was done along the way?

“College jobs, families, sex. So much came from the pill. And it came because people suffered for it. That that women, black and brown women in particular, were treated like second class citizens. And, you know, you just, that’s a sad part of the world that we live in.”

Jonathan Eig is the author of Birth of the Pill and joins us from Chicago, Illinois to delve into this fascinating, amazing, and shadowy story. 

For more information on today’s episode visit helloclue.com/hormonal. And to find out how to support the work here at Clue, go to Clue.Plus.

Episode Links