21: Your Story Can Unlock Healing for Others

MAR 6, 202017 MIN
Empty Nest Empires

21: Your Story Can Unlock Healing for Others

MAR 6, 202017 MIN


I woke up one morning this week with this phrase running through my mind: "YOUR STORY MAY HOLD A KEY TO UNLOCK HEALING FOR SOMEONE ELSE."

This has never happened to me before - I will sometimes wake up with a song, but never have I heard such a profound declaration the minute I wake up. But that's just what this was. 

Storytelling is such an important part of leaving a legacy, I wonder if this message is for you today? Are you telling your stories? Let's talk about it...


I want to hear from you! What story do you need to share? Connect with me - I'm @tamiromani on all social media platforms. 

If you have a story to share but you are holding yourself back because you need more confidence in speaking, A Confident Voice group coaching with me opens next week. Let's spend 4 weeks getting you past your roadblocks and on to making an impact with your stories. Go to AConfidentVoice.com to sign up!