<p>Hi, <em>Dolly Parton's America</em> fans!</p>
<p>We're sharing a new trailer for our new 6-part series <em>The Vanishing of Harry Pace</em> - from the creators of <em>Dolly Parton's America,</em> Jad Abumrad and Shima Oliaee - now premiering at <a href="https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/projects/vanishing-harry-pace">Radiolab</a>.</p>
<p>It was Motown before Motown, FUBU before FUBU: <em>Black Swan Records</em>. The label founded 100 years ago by Harry Pace. Pace launched the career of Ethel Waters, Louis Armstrong, inadvertently invented the term rock n roll, played an important role in W.C. Handy becoming "Father of the Blues," inspired <em>Ebony</em> and <em>Jet</em> magazines, and helped desegregate the South Side of Chicago in an epic Supreme Court battle. Then, he disappeared.  The <em>Vanishing of Harry Pace</em> is a series about the phenomenal but forgotten man who changed America. It's a story about betrayal, family, hidden identities, and a time like no other. </p>
<p>To listen to the the new series, click <a href="https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/projects/vanishing-harry-pace?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5uWGBhCTARIsAL70sLJMSR53wxeeD0WnQMfrSX0Q3Do8PlmSy4GhfryXwGIKhZ8ujWAvqiwaAt0zEALw_wcB">here</a> or search "Radiolab" and "The Vanishing of Harry Pace," wherever you get your podcasts.</p>
<p> </p>

Dolly Parton's America

[email protected] (WNYC Studios & OSM Audio )

The Vanishing of Harry Pace Trailer from the Creators of Dolly Parton's America

JUN 28, 20212 MIN
Dolly Parton's America

The Vanishing of Harry Pace Trailer from the Creators of Dolly Parton's America

JUN 28, 20212 MIN


Hi, Dolly Parton's America fans!

We're sharing a new trailer for our new 6-part series The Vanishing of Harry Pace - from the creators of Dolly Parton's America, Jad Abumrad and Shima Oliaee - now premiering at Radiolab.

It was Motown before Motown, FUBU before FUBU: Black Swan Records. The label founded 100 years ago by Harry Pace. Pace launched the career of Ethel Waters, Louis Armstrong, inadvertently invented the term rock n roll, played an important role in W.C. Handy becoming "Father of the Blues," inspired Ebony and Jet magazines, and helped desegregate the South Side of Chicago in an epic Supreme Court battle. Then, he disappeared.  The Vanishing of Harry Pace is a series about the phenomenal but forgotten man who changed America. It's a story about betrayal, family, hidden identities, and a time like no other.

To listen to the the new series, click here or search "Radiolab" and "The Vanishing of Harry Pace," wherever you get your podcasts.