Simply FaithFull
Simply FaithFull

Simply FaithFull

Beloved Empowers



The podcast where women are empowered and transformed in their faith by adding simple, practical, biblically-based steps, habits, and mindsets into everyday life! With each episode, I am committed to offering you the 2 things every God Girl needs: Genuine Faith and Genuine Friendship - It's that Simple!

Recent Episodes

YOLO, right?!
MAR 9, 2020
YOLO, right?!

Topic: Live Your Best Life - The God Girl Edition

Living your best life - it’s common phrase these days. There’s FOMO - Fear of Missing Out! YOLO - you only live once, right?!

We say these things, but we don’t really follow them, do we? How fun is it to take a selfie, add a filter, and post it on social media for all of our friends, our people to see us living our best lives. We’ve all done it once or twice, or like a million times, right? It’s tempting for us to paint a picture of a life filled with of love, peace, joy, growth, fulfillment, contentment, and confidence for the digital friends.

Everybody is out here living, what looks like, their best life! And because what we see is often times perceived as reality, we are now put in the position to try to keep up! Now our lives have to be perfect, too! We have a false perception of what a happy, full life looks like. BUT, If their lives are SO great, we ought to at least present like ours is, too, right?

Because the life we have available to us from the Lord, when lived out purposefully and intentionally, is totally one you’ll have FOMO of if you choose not to take advantage of it! YOLO, right?! So we may as well live the abundant life God promised us in His word while we can! God wants us to live our BEST life…but it looks so much differently than the superficial one the enemy magnifies to us everyday through society and social media. Instead of painting a picture, or creating a facade that mimics love, peace, joy, growth, fulfillment, contentment, and purpose, we get to actually live it! We GET to walk in the truth of a life that IS love, peace, joy, growth, fulfillment, contentment, and purpose! Here is what it looks like:


  • Love - Ephesians 3, Romans 8:38-39
  • Peace - Romans 8:26
  • Joy - Romans 15:13
  • Growth - Romans 8:37
  • Fulfillment/Contentment - Romans 12:2 -Our contentment in life comes from presenting our whole selves to God for His use
  • Purpose - Romans 8:28 -God works through ALL situations to fulfill His purpose in your life

17 MIN
The More the Better
FEB 27, 2020
The More the Better

Pop Quiz Answer

Pop Quiz Date: 2/26/2020

Question: Which Translation? "But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right - the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also."

Answer: Amplified (AMP)

Different translations of the Bible share different inflections of the same story - It’s like the same story being told my different people!

Popular Bible Translations:

  • KJV - King James Version
  • NKJV - New King James Version
  • NIV - New International Version
  • NLT - New Living Translation
  • AMP - Amplified
  • TPT - The Passion Translation
  • NASB - New American Standard Bible
  • ESV - English Standard Version
  • HCSB - Hollman Christian Standard Bible

KJV vs NIV: The KJV is a more direct, word-for-word translation; the NIV more "dynamic equivalent" (idea-for-idea translation of the words)

KJV vs NKJV: many of those who follow the KJV are more literal in their interpretations of text. NKJV makes it more amenable to more modern thoughts and interpretations. This is not to insinuate that the KJV is wrong

NIV vs NLT: The main difference is that the NIV is a word-for-word translation. The NLT is a paraphrase; for context and quick reading. If you’re an English reader the NLT is probably the more readable, but the NIV gives a closer idea of the underlying text.

AMP: The Amplified Bible attempts to take both word meaning and context into account in order to accurately translate the original text from one language into another. By using synonyms and definitions, it both explains and expands the meaning of words in the text by placing amplification in parentheses, brackets, and after key words

NASB: considered the most accurate , contrary to popular belief of KJV (1611)

TPT: The passion translation - scripture in poetic form!

Generally, it’s suggest that, for non-Greek-and-Hebrew scholars (like the majority of us), a good rule of thumb is “the more translations the better.” If you take the time to compare and contrast a variety of modern versions, you’ll have a much better chance of grasping the sense of the original text than if you stick with one “favorite” translation.

Matt 6:33

AMP: But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right - the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

TPT: So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly

NASB: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you

KJV: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

NIV: But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

NLT: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

I LOVE doing faith with you!

19 MIN
Confidence is Quiet
FEB 25, 2020
Confidence is Quiet

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

Matthew 6:1-4

When trying to remain faithful with our pursuing our God given goals, staying focused by keeping your eye and mind on pleasing God, not men is SO important.

What we need to keep going in achieving our goals:

  • Consistency
  • Confidence
  • Corroboration (validation. The Spirit will corroborate with your purpose and calling)
  • Clarity (Your gift is specific to YOU, and what you do with it is peculiar to your unique makeup, in such a way as no one can do what you do exactly the way you do it)
  • Confirmation (acceptance) - identification

If we go to people for these things, we are setting ourselves up for all sorts of disappointments and setbacks. Here’s why:

  • People are conditional and emotional
  • People are obligated and distracted
  • People are limited in sight and knowledge

Scripture is;

  • clear/concise
  • crisp (refreshing; timeless)
  • convicting - rooted in love, not judgement

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

I LOVE doing faith with you!

16 MIN