Haunted Halls of WVU Ep 3: Woodburn Cow

NOV 3, 20193 MIN
The Haunted Halls of West Virginia University

Haunted Halls of WVU Ep 3: Woodburn Cow

NOV 3, 20193 MIN


Have you ever heard the faint sound of a cow mooing near Woodburn Hall? Well, you aren't the only one. Soon after the birth of West Virginia University, a prank that went wrong left behind one of the strangest ghosts on the WVU downtown campus. Listen to the newest episode of The Haunted Halls of WVU to hear all about the phantom cow of Woodburn Hall.

Jason Burns, a professional storyteller and WVU Arts and Entertainment staff, shares more ghost stories during performances and appearances around Morgantown.

Visit thedaonline.com/hauntedhallspodcast for more information and to listen to the podcast. We publish on many major podcasting services, including Apple Podcast, Google Play, TuneIn, Anchor, Spotify and more.