Author Alec MacGillis on Amazon and 'winner take all' places

JUL 13, 202159 MIN
Uncovered by WDRB News

Author Alec MacGillis on Amazon and 'winner take all' places

JUL 13, 202159 MIN


<p>Journalist Alec MacGillis joins the podcast to discuss his recent book, "<a href= "" target="_blank" rel= "noopener">FULFILLMENT: Winning and Losing in One-Click America</a>," which uses Amazon as a frame to explore regional inequality in the U.S. MacGillis writes that Amazon that has three types of towns: its software development-engineering towns, its data center towns and its warehouse towns. What is the impact of these broad economic forces on 'warehouse towns' like Louisville? How is blue-collar work different now than decades ago? What are the political ramifications of growing disparities between 'hyper-prosperous' places like Washington D.C. and 'left behind' places like Baltimore?  </p>