Lyran Starseed - Chelsea Johnson on what happend on Lyra and why are they here!

MAR 10, 202343 MIN
Happy Freya Podcast

Lyran Starseed - Chelsea Johnson on what happend on Lyra and why are they here!

MAR 10, 202343 MIN


<p>ChelSea has been my friend since Grade 8 High School.&nbsp;</p> <p>Shout out to the Burnett Breaker Crew, class of whatever year we graduated in, lol.&nbsp;</p> <p>She is a certified Psy-K, and Body &amp; Emotion Code Practitioner. And shout out to all the Lyran Star Seeds out there, doing their good deeds to uplift humanity! &nbsp;</p> <p>We discuss: &nbsp;* ChelSea’s personal healing journey and why she sought out to heal herself and others&nbsp;</p> <p>* What is Psy-K, Body and Emotion Code? How does it work in breaking old belief systems and patterns. &nbsp;</p> <p>* The importance of Emotions - the higher flying ones and not so popular ones, lol and how to appreciate the range. &nbsp;</p> <p>* Profound Client Experience &nbsp;</p> <p>* ChelSea’s journey as a Lyran star seed, when she found out she was one and how? &nbsp;</p> <p>* What are the symptoms of a star seed lol Oh … you know, resonance &nbsp;</p> <p>* &nbsp;What happened on Lyra during the great Galactic war, why they escaped, what happened to their planet, and why they incarnated here on Earth. &nbsp;</p> <p>* How she relates to living on Earth, and her mission here on Earth. &nbsp;</p> <p>* Her message for humanity? &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you ChelSea for a fun show, and for your honestly and openness in discussing your life experiences. &nbsp;&nbsp;Stay tuned for more cosmic interviews!&nbsp;</p> <p>SUBSCRIBE ABOVE! &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>CONNECT with HAPPY FREYA PODCAST at: &nbsp;Spotify: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1lBa1BjbnVPMngyNUdfYzl6Q3A1X0VWQUhKZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuTHlQSXd4eVlCcDkxS3hjeUdDdmlwVGFCeklVaE9sQ3luTXJDbnlxTUdYUk1MU19nbDNxN0pVcjZPcGJxUWVBdjVXTHVfQW9nb3Znc0tLdHZucEVJbktsWGxhYVZvZzNCdF9SNDBSQWplLUFuUVRaTQ&amp;;v=vsIiUOtIsEs" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> &nbsp;</p> <p>Anchor Podcast: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHp5WHFYVXJPRWN0WnZZTG9pQmVqdkxYanpMZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuOVB3S2gtc3pRV0ZJRGNncDdiOHNmVl84VkRnUk1kTjZkT25naEpnenc5dWRRQVVLYkxrdVdZbmlFOHhqcnpuV25vRHU0b25TMURLV1dMRkJldTVEWlBGem85ZkxNUTRpQWpmRHZ0SlpiNWQzMGJjdw&amp;;v=vsIiUOtIsEs" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> &nbsp;</p> <p>iHeart Radio: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0M0RHEtZ3l4VkRfMTZlaWl3MEF2b3VSLUpYd3xBQ3Jtc0ttWWZ0bXp6TjNBdkR0bjcybF9FTEc5aE4zR2szRC1iVUVQU1RZa3l1S1QxMUxULUgydWxOQm9ZY1hPNnFSa1VrdWJZazlaNURDblFxamtoR1hkY0pPcUxzT1ZfVURvYWlfTlJEc1YtR1p6YUl6dk9ESQ&amp;;v=vsIiUOtIsEs" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> &nbsp;</p> <p>Instagram: @iampamofficial&nbsp;</p> <p>Twitter: @pamelansingh&nbsp;</p> <p>Website: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEhJTTB0dzYxS1duNUREeXBfbVlEbWZYY0FOUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWS1xMXNmSFdPdmw2X2FqdFZOaExKN2t2Zk10Z0FTM3g0Q3RIdVc2SC14TlpmVXlrdWpTNlllb29HR2tRRGlVVXBWdU9rUHI2M1ZvRWpralE5emZHczBJdjk5T1gxZ2JsSGtraVBZNkRnS2NiZkZGSQ&amp;;v=vsIiUOtIsEs" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>YouTube: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2JLMTZRRUhZazVMRTZEcGYxTWF4VGE5NnBZZ3xBQ3Jtc0trMDdIQ0U5bVN1b1RwZEtfN3VuaHRnYjZZM2piWVpYRmxhWEs3eHRWaklBZW9ndXBUbzdtR3ZjejBYY0tFLUppQ2MyNlRJay1CZXRIanJwSExpbnRSV0ctS2lTdC1DMDY4cm1kdXNmdEc4bTRqRXRCcw&amp;;v=vsIiUOtIsEs" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>