For a long time, I fell into the pressure of content, content, content; I even told others to do the same thing. Just keep posting and creating content even when you don't want to. Guess where that got me? Burn out. Then I realized, creating the same talking head content over and over gets you to the same place you're at. It keeps you average and your content average. Today, I want to talk about the 1% content creator that is willing to take risks and deal with discomfort to create successful and impactful content.

The VIP Code

Marley Jaxx Media

The 1% Content Creator

MAY 17, 202310 MIN
The VIP Code

The 1% Content Creator

MAY 17, 202310 MIN


For a long time, I fell into the pressure of content, content, content; I even told others to do the same thing. Just keep posting and creating content even when you don't want to. Guess where that got me? Burn out. Then I realized, creating the same talking head content over and over gets you to the same place you're at. It keeps you average and your content average. Today, I want to talk about the 1% content creator that is willing to take risks and deal with discomfort to create successful and impactful content.