30 Years old, newly married, a flourishing business and taking a lead role in building out the mission of Anchor Church which is making an unbelievable impact in Delray Beach. 

Lawrence Michael Griffin is living out a truly blessed life. But we don’t talk about that. 

We talk about his twenties. We talk about the coming of age. We bring it back to younger Michael and walk through the reconciliation process he went through to become the wiser more polished Michael and some pivotal moments and realizations that came along the way.

Convos with God

Austin Engle

By The Grace of God w/ Michael Griffin

MAR 16, 202027 MIN
Convos with God

By The Grace of God w/ Michael Griffin

MAR 16, 202027 MIN


30 Years old, newly married, a flourishing business and taking a lead role in building out the mission of Anchor Church which is making an unbelievable impact in Delray Beach. Lawrence Michael Griffin is living out a truly blessed life. But we don’t talk about that. We talk about his twenties. We talk about the coming of age. We bring it back to younger Michael and walk through the reconciliation process he went through to become the wiser more polished Michael and some pivotal moments and realizations that came along the way.