Sacral Chakra: Getting Back to Your Sensual Energy and Power

DEC 23, 202427 MIN
Freed and Powered Up

Sacral Chakra: Getting Back to Your Sensual Energy and Power

DEC 23, 202427 MIN


The sex and creativity chakra. How do we re activate this energy center for balance, restoration, inner power, manifesting, and success?

How can this energy center help you with stagnation, self-sabotage, and procrastination?

How do we know when it's off balance? 

Learn more about the sacral chakra and how to connect with your innate magic through it. 


Do you feel called to join the Goddess Collective? Let’s talk about it. Schedule a call with me here:

What if you had a co-working space that led with an energetic activation to get you aligned with your purpose, your infinite potentiality, your clarity and your most creative frequency? Introducing Goddess Get Sht Done Sessions! Find out more:

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