LaToya Zavala
What if your menopause phase is not what you were taught it was: the end of it all, the ugly, the shameful and just straight uncomfortable stage? What if it soooooo much more than that? What if there are ways that you can tap into the magic and power that it actually is? OOOOOHHHHHH juiciness coming your way!
Today we're talking about
With Vanessa Nixon, Author of Best Seller: Meno-Morphosis~Rituals, Spells and Natural Remedies for Peri, Mid and Postmenopausal Women. You can connect with the mid-life goddess at the links below.
You Can Feel Marvelous in Mid-Life Naturally! FB Group
Natural Women who love Natural Makeup FB Group
Do you feel called to join the Goddess Collective? Let’s talk about it. Schedule a call with me here:
What if you had a co-working space that led with an energetic activation to get you aligned with your purpose, your infinite potentiality, your clarity and your most creative frequency? Introducing Goddess Get Sht Done Sessions! Find out more:
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Wanna have your Vedic Birth Chart Read: LIfePath Sync:
For more juiciness drop by my Website:
To get your copy of my explosive, raw, and down to your every day life play book on stopping the self-sabotage, get it here: