<p>Sophie &amp; Chloe are taking the week off to prep for the All-Time Ageplay Awards, which is a corrupt awards ceremony where they give shoutouts or something!</p><p>You can participate in the All-Time Ageplay Awards by joining us at subscribestar.adult/sophieandpudding</p>
  <a href="https://www.patreon.com/sophieandpudding" rel="payment" title="★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★">★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★</a>

The Usual Bet

Sophie & Chloe

Dear Listeners - First Annual All-Time Ageplay Awards

OCT 1, 20242 MIN
The Usual Bet

Dear Listeners - First Annual All-Time Ageplay Awards

OCT 1, 20242 MIN


Sophie & Chloe are taking the week off to prep for the All-Time Ageplay Awards, which is a corrupt awards ceremony where they give shoutouts or something!

You can participate in the All-Time Ageplay Awards by joining us at subscribestar.adult/sophieandpudding

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★