<p>Suzie and Andi got to talk about all things anxiety and mental health, cooking, and the indecision on having children and why that is totally OK, and how our society should get on board with this indecision for women specifically. Serena Wolf is a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, cookbook author, fashionista, and mom dog mom to Taco. Trust us, you don't want to miss this convo!&nbsp;</p>

Up Your Glow

Up Your Glow with your hosts Nurse Suzie and PA-C Andi

Get Domesticated with Serena Wolf

NOV 15, 202256 MIN
Up Your Glow

Get Domesticated with Serena Wolf

NOV 15, 202256 MIN


<p>Suzie and Andi got to talk about all things anxiety and mental health, cooking, and the indecision on having children and why that is totally OK, and how our society should get on board with this indecision for women specifically. Serena Wolf is a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, cookbook author, fashionista, and mom dog mom to Taco. Trust us, you don't want to miss this convo!&nbsp;</p>