<description>&lt;p&gt;#107:  A rebooted America's Most Wanted features original tough guy host John Walsh and his son, wearing matching leather jackets. The first episode opened with the story of the murder of Adam Walsh, of course. We allege that the case is unsolved and that John Walsh is still a suspect. Kidnap/rape victim and &lt;span class= "expandableItem"&gt;child safety activist&lt;/span&gt; Elizabeth Smart was trotted out. Actors pretended to work the phones in the background.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; PLUS: Fox-TV copaganda minister Stephen Chao helped create America's Most Wanted and Cops - where is he now? In hell?&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;AND: The origin story behind the Nirvana t-shirt with the smiley face logo that has taken TikTok by storm.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Doomed Planet

Wild World News Network

America's Most Wanted: America's Least Wanted TV Show

JAN 25, 202423 MIN
Doomed Planet

America's Most Wanted: America's Least Wanted TV Show

JAN 25, 202423 MIN


#107:  A rebooted America's Most Wanted features original tough guy host John Walsh and his son, wearing matching leather jackets. The first episode opened with the story of the murder of Adam Walsh, of course. We allege that the case is unsolved and that John Walsh is still a suspect. Kidnap/rape victim and child safety activist Elizabeth Smart was trotted out. Actors pretended to work the phones in the background. PLUS: Fox-TV copaganda minister Stephen Chao helped create America's Most Wanted and Cops - where is he now? In hell?

AND: The origin story behind the Nirvana t-shirt with the smiley face logo that has taken TikTok by storm.