Holly Ringer returns to the town of Hallmark after her mother's death, reunites with her best friend Patty Kaek, reconnects with her high-school crush Cole Mississippi, and is surprised by her celebrity boyfriend Johnny Evans before the Chestnut Festival begins with a tree-lighting ceremony none of them will ever forget!

One Shots a Live-Play Mini Series Podcast

[email protected] (Dumb-Dumbs & Dice, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, Pam Sparrow, Josh Halbot, Ryan LaPlante)

Hallmark Never Stop Blowing Up - Episode 1 - Heading Home to Hallmark

DEC 16, 202475 MIN
One Shots a Live-Play Mini Series Podcast

Hallmark Never Stop Blowing Up - Episode 1 - Heading Home to Hallmark

DEC 16, 202475 MIN


Holly Ringer is returning to the town of Hallmark after her mother's death, meets her best friend Patty Kaek, reconnects with her high-school crush Cole Mississippi, and is surprised by her celebrity boyfriend Johnny Evans before the Chestnut Festival begins with a tree-lighting ceremony none of them will ever forget.

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Our Cast:
Game Master - Ryan LaPlante
Holly Ringer - Del Borovic
Cole Mississippi - Guy Bradford
Patricia Kaek - Pam Sparrow
Johnny Evans - Josh Halbot

Our Crew:
Editor - Ryan LaPlante
Sound Editor - Laura Hamstra

Artwork by the brilliant Del Borovic

- Website & Portfolio (https://delborovic.com/)

- X/Twitter (https://twitter.com/deltastic)