<description>&lt;p&gt;Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the field of radiology, making faster and more precise diagnoses possible. However, most radiologists aren’t familiar with AI and report a fear of being replaced by it.  &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Dr Jordan Perchik from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, designed a free online ‘AI Literacy Course’ which has reached more than 500 radiology trainees from 10 countries.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Read more in &lt;a href='https://doi.org/10.26904/RF-151-5987201839'&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research Features&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;em&gt; &lt;/em&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Read the original research: &lt;a href='https://doi.org/10.7191/jgr.783'&gt;doi.org/10.7191/jgr.783&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>



Reshaping the future of AI education in radiology

APR 19, 20249 MIN

Reshaping the future of AI education in radiology

APR 19, 20249 MIN


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the field of radiology, making faster and more precise diagnoses possible. However, most radiologists aren’t familiar with AI and report a fear of being replaced by it. 

Dr Jordan Perchik from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, designed a free online ‘AI Literacy Course’ which has reached more than 500 radiology trainees from 10 countries.

Read more in Research Features

Read the original research: doi.org/10.7191/jgr.783