<p>“He will come back with scars and with stories to tell…”</p>
<p>This episode is about new beginnings that lead to surprising outcomes. Poet and essayist <a href="https://www.rossgay.net/about">Ross Gay</a> talks to Jason about precious things beheld and forgotten. There’s a twisted fairytale about weed farming, big box stores, and grand designs. And Jason goes solo with a tune of prayer and self-forgiveness. From warm, dark places, something new is born.</p>
<p>Special thanks to Jamie Mayberry for the word of the episode. To Emre Gots for the theme song. To Adil Sadak for mixing and mastering the song. And to the weirdulous <a href="http://www.nathangelgud.com/">Nathan Gelgud </a>for the episode art.</p>