Don't Be a Pig 🐷 | ACTION NEWS!!! 05

JUN 12, 2024109 MIN
Ungovernable Misfits

Don't Be a Pig 🐷 | ACTION NEWS!!! 05

JUN 12, 2024109 MIN


<p>ACTION NEWS!!! Is your source for news on the #Bitcoin mining scene! Statistics, #Bitcoinmining news, energy market alpha, comedy relief and as always, witty banter between Jon and Max. <br />&nbsp;<br />Gear Up!! Ungovernable Misfits style! Rat Poison eh? Yeah we got your <a href="" target="_blank">RAT POISON RIGHT HERE!!!</a><br /> <br />Intro Music<a href="" target="_blank">: NIN - March of the Pigs</a><br /> <br />In this episode of Ungovernable Misfits – ACTION NEWS!!! We mention our Solo Sundays project with <a href="" target="_blank">Demand’s SV2 build</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">guide by Urban Hacker</a>. (actually we forgot to talk about it so I’ll drop some info in the show notes). Another Scam befalls the Pleb Miner Mafia, Oklahoma passes a Bitcoin Rights Bill and how it affects miners. <a href=";t=kjoH7hMhSS5r84YdTTRyvA" target="_blank">Agent P</a> writes and <a href="" target="_blank">article for UM on his direct DC mining build.</a> We cover another excellent Bitcoin Bugle <a href="" target="_blank">article from Rod Palmer – CIA Signals Support for OP_CAT.</a> Finally we finish the show with a discussion on how to not be a PIG.<br /> <br />We begin this episode as we do all shows, by communicating with all of you via podcasting 2.0 boosts. Be sure to Boost on the <a href="" target="_blank">podcasting 2.0</a> app of your choice. At Ungovernable Misfits we offer a feature rich podcasting 2.0 experience.<br /> <br />Jon and Urban Hacker have developed a guide for true solo mining with the help of Urban Hacker has two guides on how to get started in his web page, the <a href="" target="_blank">easy mode</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">hackers way</a>. If you have any trouble getting your node setup and mining, let us know, we want every miner to at least have the capability and ability to truly solomine and create their own block template, whether it makes financial sense for you or not, you should still have the knowledge and hardware to accomplish this task.<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank">Lincoin</a> Mining brings you Statistics like: global hashrate, hash price, hash value, tx fees, and more. Lincoin has made some changes to their payout structures. Minimum payout is now .0001 for lightning and .005 for on chain, make changes as necessary. <br /> <br />Boty raps his rendition of <a href="" target="_blank">Kevin Gates – 2 Phones</a> called 2 Roles.&nbsp; <br /> <br />Our friends at Bugle.News have made us a, Ungovernable Misfits ad… DAMN SON! We use this ad sponsorship to tell you about our art listings, <a href="" target="_blank">check them out.</a><br /> <br />ACTION NEWS!!! Has ACTION PACKED Sponsors<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Bifrost Manufacturing</a><br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank">Altair Bitcoin Mining Solutions</a> use promo code: UNGOVERNABLE<br /><a href="" target="_blank">Lake Satoshi Bitcoin Beach Retreat</a><br /> <br />How many miles has Bubba driven this week? Closest gues wins two tickets to LAKE SATOSHI!<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank">Altair</a> gives us the skinny on the mining industry: Be on the lookout for an Altair designed smart PDU<br /> <br />The state of Oklahoma passes a bill that blesses home mining (yay plebs) if local noise ordinances are followed and permits It also ensures fair zoning practices, protects against discriminatory electricity rates, and exempts miners and Noderunners from needing a money transmitter license and liability for transaction validation.<br /> <br />The latest article on Ungovernable Misfits is <a href="" target="_blank">Explorations into Solar Mining</a>. Be sure to visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>for more writings and to catch up on past articles.<br /> <br />AVOID GETTING SCAMMED IN TELEGRAM GROUPS BY DORKS POSTING A “GOOD DEAL”!!!<br /> <br />Don’t be a PIG! Consider every time you get caught up in some fun Twitter drama or insignificant, nit picking spat with another pleb, that your time, energy and attention are focused on the wrong thing. People consume scandal like pigs at the trough, greedily gobbling up every juicy morsel of gossip and scandal. They plunge their snouts into the slop, oblivious to the muck splattering around them, driven by an insatiable, frenzied, and almost grotesque hunger for more. Don’t be a blind consumer, unaware of the world beyond your pen, beyond the trough you’re likely holding in your hand, right now. Don’t be distracted … and… don’t be a pig.<br /> <br />Consider donating to the Samourai defense fund at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />&nbsp;<br />See you next time! F@%CKERS!!!<br /><br /><p>(00:00:00) <a href="" target="_blank" >Reverse Burps Out!? Start the Show!</a></p><p>(00:09:23) 2 PHONES: 1 for the Boosts, 1 for the Podcast</p><p>(00:30:54) <a href="" target="_blank" >Statistics 📊 Presented By LINCOIN </a></p><p>(00:42:47) <a href="" target="_blank" >Boty McBotface - Two Roles</a></p><p>(00:45:48) <a href="" target="_blank" >BIFROST Grand Opening September 1st in Grand Forks</a></p><p>(00:48:26) Bum Bum BOOST ⚡️</p><p>(00:49:03) <a href="" target="_blank" >Sponsored By Ourselves 💪 (Thanks Bitcoin Bugle)</a></p><p>(00:50:26) <a href="" target="_blank" >More Than Just a Podcast 🎨</a></p><p>(00:56:22) ACTION NEWS!!! 📰</p><p>(00:57:04) <a href="" target="_blank" >Barnminer is Always Making Moves</a></p><p>(00:58:47) <a href="" target="_blank" >"CIA Changes Profile Picture To a Cat, Signaling Support For OP_CAT"</a></p><p>(01:04:37) <a href="" target="_blank" >ALTAIR Doesn't Need Charity!</a></p><p>(01:08:17) <a href="" target="_blank" >Workin' On The PDU ⚒</a></p><p>(01:12:04) <a href="" target="_blank" >Oklahoma Mining Bill</a></p><p>(01:19:21) 🚫 Scams in the Telegram 🚫</p><p>(01:27:45) <a href="" target="_blank" >How Many Miles Has Bubba Driven 🚛 !? </a></p><p>(01:30:56) Big Belly BB's</p><p>(01:34:07) Don't Be a Pig 🐷</p><p>(01:48:14) <a href="" target="_blank" >👋</a></p></p>