<p>Highlights: </p>
<p>(1:27)—Quick Hits News Segment</p>
<p>(6:14)—Max DeMartino Interview</p>
<p>(11:20)—Max shares his favorite EdTech tool for teachers</p>
<p>(16:47)—We ask Max about any tips he has for teachers adjusting to EdTech </p>
<p>(18:30)—What can EdTech companies do to better accomodate teachers and schools</p>
<p>(22:58)—Max shares his view of the "darkest timeline" for EdTech integration</p>
<p>(25:05)—Devin shares her "Best Practice of the Week"</p>
<p>(27:10)—Share your Best Practice tips with us!</p>
<p>(27:57)—Next time on the Pod</p>