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Novel Gazing Podcast
Book Riot
Novel Gazing is a biweekly podcast dedicated to news, recommendations, and general goings-on from the world of literary fiction.
Recent Episodes
JUN 30, 2020
Literary Comics
Mary Kay and Louise talk about important things like, what are some great literary comics?
52 MIN
JUN 16, 2020
Literature in Translation, Part II
Mary Kay and Louise talk about important things like, what are some newly translated books?
48 MIN
JUN 2, 2020
Interview with Screenwriter Sarah Gubbins about SHIRLEY
Mary Kay and Louise talk about important things like, what was it like to adapt Shirley Jackson to film?
44 MIN
MAY 19, 2020
Mary Kay and Louise talk about important things like, what are some of the best and worst doorstopper books?
47 MIN
MAY 5, 2020
Crossover Hits
Mary Kay and Louise talk about important things like, what are some of the best crossover hits?
59 MIN
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