Walk With Me - Devotionals
Walk With Me - Devotionals

Walk With Me - Devotionals

Walk With Me



Devotionals from Walk With Me

Recent Episodes

Towards The Horizon Of Heaven
DEC 31, 2022
Towards The Horizon Of Heaven
<p>Towards The Horizon Of Heaven</p><p><strong>Reader: </strong>Jon Watson</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> 31st December 2022</p><p><strong>Passage: </strong>Jeremiah 29:11</p><p>-------------------</p><p>When God spoke these words to his Old Testament people they were still in captivity but he was wanting to assure them that they were going to return home — he gave them hope and a future. Today we are coming to the end of the year. I don't know what kind of year it has been for you. No doubt it had its 'ups and downs' but God does not want us to be haunted by the past; rather he wants us to look ahead, to keep in our mind's eye on the beautiful horizon of heaven. Of course we ask God to forgive us the sins we commit and to help us mend broken relationships as well as broken promises. Having done that, we leave them and go into the future with our God as our guide.</p><p>As Christian people, we can know with certainty that God's ultimate plans for us are good — better than we can even imagine. One of the lovely promises God gave to his Old Testament people was that the land they were going to was looked after by him. "... the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end." (Deuteronomy 11:12) In the same way he will look after us every day — his plans for us are good giving us hope and a future. "He who watches over you will not slumber." (Psalm 121:3) He cares for you all of the time. As one of the old writers has said: "Hope can see heaven through the thickest clouds." (Thomas Brooks) So God wants us to keep looking up and onward. May you have a blessed year and go with God all your days.</p> Prayer<p>O Lord, watch over my life both now and for ever. Amen.</p>
DEC 30, 2022
<p>Stocktaking</p><p><strong>Reader: </strong>Jon Watson</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> 30th December 2022</p><p><strong>Passage: </strong>Proverbs 15:33</p><p>-------------------</p><p>If you have ever worked in a shop you will know that once a year the whole stock in the shop is counted and the records are checked to see that things are in order and the business is being run properly. The end of the year is a great time to take stock of where we are at in our spiritual lives, so let's take a quick look at how we are doing.</p><p>The verse at the top of the page give us a good starting place. The 'fear' of (or respect for) the Lord speaks to us about having a right attitude towards God. The American writer A. W. Tozer wrote: "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." How important is God in my day to day living? Do I ask his advice on all my decisions as they come up? Do I thank him for all that happens as the day goes on? Would others sense the presence of God in my life because I 'fear' and honour him?</p><p>A Christian must also be a humble person. We are too fond of going for the glory rather than the humility! Humility is said to be the hallmark of wisdom and it is a mark of real godliness. How do I fare in that department? (remember we are stocktaking!) The fear of the Lord, wisdom and humility. We need to check where we are in the Christian walk. God bless you as you take stock at the year's end!</p> Prayer<p>Lord, I know I need more teaching in how I think of you, and I ask you to give me humility to learn better. Amen</p>
A Band Of Brothers And Sisters
DEC 28, 2022
A Band Of Brothers And Sisters
<p>A Band Of Brothers And Sisters</p><p><strong>Reader: </strong>Jon Watson</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> 28th December 2022</p><p><strong>Passage: </strong>Romans 15:7</p><p>-------------------</p><p>One of the great things about Christianity is that it 'fits into' every country and people group where the Gospel is preached and believed. For people at every stage of development, whatever language they speak, whatever age they may be, the Gospel message — God's Good News — speaks to them. That is something we rejoice in and give thanks for. And that means wherever a Christian comes from, he or she is our brother or sister in Christ and we must welcome them into our fellowship and congregation, just as Christ received and welcomed us.</p><p>The congregation where we worship always has visitors and at this time of year when families like to come together there are perhaps more visitors than normal. It is our privilege to welcome them in the name of Jesus. It is also an immense privilege to belong to such a world-wide family. That means we must rejoice when God's blessing, maybe in revival, is being experienced in different parts of the world, or in different churches from ours — they are family. It means too that we must weep with those Christians who are suffering because they are Christians, and we must help them. Interestingly enough the word the Bible uses for 'welcome' was used when soldiers were enrolled in the Roman army and 'welcomed' to a new regiment! We Christians are all enrolled in Christ's army to lead disciplined, active lives resisting evil and injustice in the world.</p> Prayer<p>Help me, dear Lord, to welcome all who join us in worship. Amen</p>
Dealing With Temptation
DEC 27, 2022
Dealing With Temptation
<p>Dealing With Temptation</p><p><strong>Reader: </strong>Jon Watson</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> 27th December 2022</p><p><strong>Passage: </strong>Psalm 51:10</p><p>-------------------</p><p>In my daily Bible reading recently I was reading the story of Joseph as we have it in Genesis from chapters 37 to 50. At one point in his story Joseph was put in a very difficult situation when the wife of his master tried to lure him to have sex with her. Joseph did the right thing and got out of the house as quickly as he could and told the woman he would have nothing to do with her as far as sex was concerned. It can be easy to get into situations where temptations to sin can be strong, whether these have to do with sex or any other sin. At this time of year the temptation to drink too much can be very strong as many people treat the end of the year as a great excuse for all sorts of 'goings on' they may afterwards regret.</p><p>In the New Testament we are told to 'flee' from temptations (1 Timothy 6:11), and to 'resist the devil' and then he will 'flee' from us (James 4:7). David, who wrote Psalm 51, knew how easy it was to give in to temptations and he had to confess his sinfulness. That is why he asked God to create in him a clean heart. Only God can do that. (The word 'create' here is the same word which tells us God created the world). We need God to help us overcome temptations to sin and to give us a heart that is faithful to him. Be sure to ask God to help you overcome temptation to do anything you may later regret.</p> Prayer<p>‘Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. ' Amen.</p>
The Living Word Of God
DEC 26, 2022
The Living Word Of God
<p>The Living Word Of God</p><p><strong>Reader: </strong>Jon Watson</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> 26th December 2022</p><p><strong>Passage: </strong>John 1:14</p><p>-------------------</p><p>I'm pretty sure your house has been made very colourful over the Christmas period by the many Christmas cards that are sent to bring greetings and usually a message with news as well. God himself has sent us a message — a message that comes in the form of a Word, the living Word, Jesus Christ himself.</p><p>In Bible times the term we call 'word' (logos) was very important indeed. It was used by the philosophers who were trying to explain a reason for everything in our world. Then the Christians took this into their vocabulary and they came to see the term as meaning God's word, God's way of wisdom, of power (it is a 'doing' word), as well as a word of God's speech. It was a message that non-Christians could understand and that was essential in the world where Christianity was born. And Jesus Christ was God's word (the logos) - God's living message for the world. Sadly, many people who saw and heard Jesus did not heed God's message; in the end they killed him. But we read that those who did believe in Jesus, "became the children of God" (John 1:12). That is still true today. God's living Word is Jesus the living Saviour. All those who receive and believe in him become God's children. That is an abiding fact. Do you believe? Listen to Jesus.</p> Prayer<p>Dear Lord, help me to listen to and believe in Jesus. Amen.</p>