How to See Success Faster

FEB 6, 202234 MIN
Warrior in Progress™

How to See Success Faster

FEB 6, 202234 MIN


<p>"I messed up so bad this week. I can't believe I wasted this week. As usual, I have to start over."&nbsp;</p> <p>"I was doing so good and then I fell off the wagon. I am a failure."&nbsp;</p> <p>"The scale isn't moving fast enough. I should be further along."&nbsp;</p> <p>Sound familiar?&nbsp;</p> <p>Our self-talk can make or break us. The more we buy into these negative and false statements, the more likely we are to stay stuck or self-sabotage.&nbsp;</p> <p>In this episode, I discuss how to see success faster. If you feel like you aren't seeing progress fast enough or you feel stuck, this episode is for you!</p> <p>&nbsp;Links:</p>