Calculate the 20% Saturation Rule
As a general rule, they own 20% of their market. They are the leading authority within their market. Use a tool to identify the size of the industry niche (for example Multiply that number by 20%. If the number falls between 1,000 and 10,000 you are in a specialized niche. An industry that calculates under 1,000 is likely too small and not an ideal niche.*Content drafted from SURGE, written by Mike Michalowicz
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Success With Sabrina

Sabrina Peron~ Time Strategic Consulting

Episode #25, Diversification is playing not to lose. Specialization is playing to win.

JUL 28, 202024 MIN
Success With Sabrina

Episode #25, Diversification is playing not to lose. Specialization is playing to win.

JUL 28, 202024 MIN


Calculate the 20% Saturation Rule As a general rule, they own 20% of their market. They are the leading authority within their market. Use a tool to identify the size of the industry niche (for example Multiply that number by 20%. If the number falls between 1,000 and 10,000 you are in a specialized niche. An industry that calculates under 1,000 is likely too small and not an ideal niche.*Content drafted from SURGE, written by Mike Michalowicz

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