Breaking News

FEB 5, 20201 MIN
Resoundly Demo

Breaking News

FEB 5, 20201 MIN


And in breaking news, several lions have escaped from a pen in Zimba Tick Zoo this afternoon after a zoo keeper accidentally left his keys in the pen.

With more on the situation, we've got reporter Stacey Smith at the scene.

What's it like at the zoo Stacey?

Thanks Mark. There's feeling of pure panic down here this afternoon, not only for the safety of the zoo patrons, but for the lions. Will they make it without dinner hand fed to them tonight?

But the spotlight has been on zoo keeper Deon Martinez, 39, who was allegedly under the influence of drugs when he fed the lions, took his keys out of his pocket, resting them on a nearby rock because they were apparently..."too heavy".

As Deon left the pen, one of lions picked up the keys with his mouth and inserted them into the lock. Another lion then approached the lock, twisted the keys which released the door. The next they say, is history.

Stacey have you heard from the man responsible?

Yes's a snippet from earlier today.

Neck minute...lions...everywhere.

You heard it, Mark...lions...everywhere.

Thanks Stacey...and stay safe out there.