Part I: Who was La Malinche: aztec origin story, aztec imperialism, race traitor, etc
Part 1.5: I am La Malinche from school to thinking I could help a revolution NOT started in my own neighborhoods.
Part 2: My complicity with a racist classist magnet school system, etc.
(northern mexico back then was also part of the USA as it exists today)
--- Support this podcast: on all 3 counts. Chauvin in handcuffs, led from courtroom. Unicorn Riot on the streets livestreaming the George Floyd case verdict. Guilty. All 3 counts.
[Below written while waiting for the verdict to be read, earlier today]
American Verdict or AmeriKKKan Verdict?
America, we have a constitution, yet it has never been fully enforced. Will it be enforced today in the verdict of the kkkop Chauvin in his murder of George Floyd, a Black unarmed man who cried for his mother as the crowd begged the police to stop murdering him in cold-blood? Is today the day an American verdict will be read? Or is it another AmeriKKKan verdict, read by cold, cruel, uncaring, genocidal mouths?
--- Support this podcast:’s a story of a historically inclusive, friendly, nightlife hub in Fresno, symbolic of more than just a really old building that stands very tall among the other Tower District buildings, it’s the spot where Pride Parade stops and starts and it has hosted the Reel Pride Film Festival for decades now—Tower Theatre is also an icon of LGBTQIA civil rights in Fresno, and the diversity of people in Tower spans class, race, gender, sexuality; Tower Theatre is in the one single most diverse and inclusive neighborhood in Fresno and that is what it symbolizes: equality, equity, love.
It’s also a story about right wing agitators and harassment, of weekly Sunday rallies by the LGBTQIA community, allies, and Tower District residents, of Officer Fitzgerald, the cop with Fresno PD seen participating in the harassment of LGBTQIA activists at their Sunday rallies while off duty and was revealed to be an extremist proud boy, punisher cosplayer, kids’ ‘mentor’, and founder of a militia-esque Sons of 1776 right wing group.
Leftists and BIPOC in Fresno have long known that there was one overtly fascist far right cop serving on the Fresno pd. At a livestream event held in downtown Fresno back in January 2020, a livestream was uploaded to facebook showing a low resolution livestream of a group of proud boys with at least one man in an American Guard hoodie, chatting with and embracing a Fresno police officer in full uniform (the star on the upper arm is visible at times). While it is very low res, the livestreamer follows the man hugging the far right people and then walking to the fresno squad car. He then gets inside, does a U-turn, slows down near the livestreamer as she gets closer, and turns on his siren lights before speeding off. It is obvious a member of law enforcement spent quite a lot of time on the side being friendly with the Proud Boys and American Guard before walking to, entering, and driving his squad car. [livestream copyrights acquired by United Leftist Coalition from original livestreamer]
(audio heard in this podcast is from this gv wire episode):
--- Support this podcast: Atlanta shootings are currently being investigated as both a potential hate crime and as an act of sexist killings by an incel (although acting out on violent fantasies about women is generally more of a darkcel thing to do, as per their sexist ideology on being ‘red pilled’ versus being ‘black pilled’).
From the Redpill Handbook, a collection of reddit incel essays being distributed as a kind of incel manifesto, to incelese, a coded dialect of English (includes words like “mogged”, i.e. "that chad wrist mogged me”), incels have built an ideology, an internet presence, and now, a death count.
Is it really new though, or is it a reactionary take on traditional patriarchy? Or is it an extremist form of patriarchy? The kind of unspoken message sex workers get when they start is, “if you leave the kitchen, anything that happens to you out there is your own fault because you never should have done sex work. You should’ve found a mate and reproduced and made your husband tortillas for life. If you had done that, you would be safe. If you refuse, you are fair game.” And by ‘fair game’ they mean it in the Most Dangerous Game way, the serial killer murder for sport way.
Sex workers have usually been the first victims of serial killers. They have limited rights, both as human beings in regards to assault and theft, as well as limited labor rights to organize, to unionize, to protect themselves. FOSTA/SESTA is a bill that was passed in the name of sex traffic victims, yet it is the one bill that has endangered sex workers and victims of sex trafficking across the board due to the inability of sex workers to use the internet to vet clients with each other. Without that, many sex workers went back to working without any way to ensure their safety.
From an academic study entitled, “FOSTA: A Hostile Law with a Human Cost” by Chamberlain (Fordham Law Review, 2019):
“Street work is more dangerous than indoor work and can even be lethal.269 Rape and assault are prevalent and seen as inevitable, and workers are at risk of violence from clients and law enforcement alike.270 As the internet became a ubiquitous utility, sex workers were able to move the negotiation and solicitation stages of their business to online forums that did not demand physical presence.271 Sex workers gained the means to create an electronic record of client communications,272 screen potential clients,273 and communicate with one another about dangerous clients, safe spaces, and other industry-specific health and safety tips.274 The shift online revolutionized the industry, imbuing sex work with a previously nonexistent level of safety and decreasing the need for third parties as security or advertisement intermediaries.275 The effect was striking: a 2017 study found that “from 2002 to 2010, when Craigslist’s erotic-services site was active and solicitation moved indoors, the female homicide rate fell by seventeen percent.”
We should not ignore how society, how congress, how our legislation, worked to create dangerous conditions for sex workers in America, especially FOSTA/SESTA. Sex workers are treated like the lowest caste of society, they are perceived as morally depraved, as lesser than other workers, as less worthy of justice in the even they are harmed, and the advent of OnlyFans becoming a somewhat socially acceptable thing in modern times, has done little to remove the stigma and risk of doing in real life sex work. We need to change how society and the law treats sex workers.
Join me as I interview Dr. Lars Maischak, history PhD and CSU lecturer, as we discuss the definition of fascism; who it applies to and who it does not. Dr. Maischak's background as both a history doctorate specializing in comparative American history, and his life experiences as a German émigré whose family was split between the Nazi side and the leftist, anti-Nazi side, gives the audience a deep, thorough, and historically accurate description of what defines fascism, and how it expresses itself in America during modern times. #fascism #America #nazi #history #AmericanHistory #currentevents #PhD #interview #GermanHistory #leftism #TheLeft #socialism #FascisminAmerica #podcastSeries #Fresno #RadioFreeFresno #southofShawMedia
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