CTDEA Movie Club: Edge of the World

JAN 4, 202437 MIN
Countries That Don't Exist Anymore

CTDEA Movie Club: Edge of the World

JAN 4, 202437 MIN


<p>Past Phil and Ed sat down to watch the movie Edge of the World, featuring James Brooke, the Raj of Sarawak (S03 E05). In real life, James Brooke was a towering pillock, but can Jonathan Rhys Myers do him justice?</p> <p>No.</p> <p>Check out our orginal episode on the Raj of Sarawak: <a href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/6CUO3JwOuqRggYEGc0tE8I">S03 E05 Raj of Sarawak - Countries That Don&#39;t Exist Anymore | Podcast on Spotify</a> and visit our website: ctdeapod.com</p>