<description>&lt;p&gt;100+ leaders from all segments of the baking industry, including ABA, ASB, and RBA members, will gather in Washington, DC, this November to meet with lawmakers at the Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit. Hear from a recent “fly-in first-timer” on how to make the most of meetings and why it is imperative to participate. From preparation to delivery, find out how the ABA team will deliver this can’t-miss education and networking event.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;With special guest:&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Ahmet Hepdogan, Vice President Procurement &amp; Risk Management, Dawn Global Foods and Lee Sanders, Senior Vice President, Government Relations And Public Affairs, ABA&lt;/p&gt; &lt;div class="widget-container ng-scope" data-ng-repeat= "widget in $ctrl.widgets track by widget.header.id" data-ng-hide= "widget._hidden"&gt; &lt;div class="widget-outer"&gt; &lt;div class="widget-inner"&gt; &lt;div class="widget" data-ng-switch="$ctrl.widget.header.type"&gt; &lt;div class="widget-text" data-component="PureChecklistTextWidget" data-source-file="ChecklistTextWidget.tsx"&gt; &lt;div class="widget-content" data-component= "PureChecklistTextWidget" data-source-file= "ChecklistTextWidget.tsx"&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Learn More: &lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;div class="Grid__row___o2aN2 Grid__small___Dwut0"&gt; &lt;div class= "Grid__column____dWVG Grid__col_12___Lju8_ Grid__small___Dwut0"&gt; &lt;div id="widget:c7b013a2-d3e8-44d5-9152-d3ae90f568aa" class= "App__widgetIdcontainer___ms2gn"&gt; &lt;div class="Text__container___G7lhG" data-cvent-id= "widget-NucleusText-widget:c7b013a2-d3e8-44d5-9152-d3ae90f568aa"&gt; &lt;div class=""&gt; &lt;div class="css-vsf5of"&gt; &lt;p class="carina-rte-public-DraftStyleDefault-block"&gt;&lt;a href= "https://web.cvent.com/event/6429402e-0b8d-46d8-a309-1dcb1b3c1dc0/summary?RefId=ABAWebsite" target="_blank" rel="noopener"&gt;Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;</description>

Bake to the Future

American Bakers Association

#73 Behind the Scenes of a Fantastic Fly-In: A Member’s Perspective

AUG 8, 202320 MIN
Bake to the Future

#73 Behind the Scenes of a Fantastic Fly-In: A Member’s Perspective

AUG 8, 202320 MIN


100+ leaders from all segments of the baking industry, including ABA, ASB, and RBA members, will gather in Washington, DC, this November to meet with lawmakers at the Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit. Hear from a recent “fly-in first-timer” on how to make the most of meetings and why it is imperative to participate. From preparation to delivery, find out how the ABA team will deliver this can’t-miss education and networking event.

With special guest:

Ahmet Hepdogan, Vice President Procurement & Risk Management, Dawn Global Foods and Lee Sanders, Senior Vice President, Government Relations And Public Affairs, ABA

Learn More: 

Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit