Hairchair Boss
Hairchair Boss

Hairchair Boss

Angelina Campos



Angelina Campos, creator of Hairchair Boss, spent 25+ years as a booth renter hairstylist and now shares her strategies, tips and insights with other hairstylists so they can create a successful and thriving business and an extraordinary life. Discover how to live a life of happiness and abundance doing what you love and have the time, freedom and income to do what your heart desires. Those 25+ years she’d been behind the chair as a stylist, color educator and make-up artist and she knows how to create a long-term career as a hairstylist. Being able to travel the world, own a home, spend lots of a quality time with friends and family and making a positive difference is her definition of success and she strives to help hairstylists live theirs. A Hairchair Boss wants a great life and is ready to make it happen. You’ll learn about marketing, networking, communication and relationship building strategies that will help you attract new clients, retain the great ones and get consistent referrals. You’ll learn to create happiness and abundance from the inside out and how to BE the smart, confident, creative, successful entrepreneur you know is waiting to emerge. Angelina will host a mix of interviews, QA and solo shows that you’ll want to be a part of. Hit subscribe and get ready to transform your life.

Recent Episodes

039. How Angelina's Melt Down Moment Can Inspire Hairstylists
JUN 27, 2021
039. How Angelina's Melt Down Moment Can Inspire Hairstylists

Sometimes we just need proof and evidence that we are stronger and more powerful than we think we are.

If you're like me and so many hair stylists around the world, you have found yourself in an uncomfortable situation, whether it's a haircut that isn't quite coming out the way you or the client would like, or a color job that is taking an unexpected turn in a direction you don't want to go! Or maybe you’re engaging in a new client consultation and in the midst of it you realize that you and the client is just not a good fit and you don't know how to get out of the situation. These are all situations that could start a downward spiral if we let it.

It not only happens in the salon, it happens in other situations because life happens all around us. A phrase that has stuck with me for years is, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. And this holds true for the positive things you do and the negative things you do.

Disempowering thoughts and words you often say or think to yourself and they will get in the way of you being the kick-butt problem solving, resourceful, capable and confident person you truly are. That's why it's so important to catch yourself as soon as possible.

 One way to do that is to remind yourself daily. A great practice and habit to create is every morning you look in the mirror and declare all the wonderful characteristics about yourself. But here’s the catch, just saying it is not enough. You must imagine yourself BEING that person and DOING the action and HAVING the outcome you desire.

The more you step into being the person you need to be, you will spend far less time and energy in that disempowering place and you'll soon be able to respond with positive self-talk and inner guidance that will catapult you to the outcome you desire! I’m glad you’re here and I hope information from the episode helps you in a future stressful situation. Stay tuned!

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29 MIN
038. Tips For Salon Booth Renters: The Pros And Cons About Renting Your Chair- Part 2
JUN 6, 2021
038. Tips For Salon Booth Renters: The Pros And Cons About Renting Your Chair- Part 2

Attention hairstylists! Know the pros of salon booth rental and how to succeed renting your chair.

You are in charge of EVERYTHING.  

Being in charge of everything means that only you can be held accountable and responsible for the outcome of your business. That being said, freedom in just about every area of your chair renter business is the golden ticket for so many hairstylists and it’s the #1 reason hair stylists, make-up artists, barbers and estheticians choose the independent route. 

  • You have total freedom and flexibility as a booth renter hairstylist. 
  • You have the freedom to set your prices and keep more of what you earn.
  • You choose client attraction marketing strategies that actually get clients in your chair.
  • You choose the clients you want to keep in your chair and how you serve them. 
  • When you move salons, your clients move with you. 
  • You have total freedom over the kind of business you want to create that will support the kind of life you want to live. 

Is salon booth rental right for you?

As you can see, salon booth rental allows you to have tremendous freedom and flexibility in your business and in your life. And that’s the bottom line to remember, it’s a business. As is with any business that desires to be successful and profitable, it will require you to be a lot more than your craft and it’s not enough to just be a hairstylist behind the chair. If putting on your entrepreneur hat sounds exciting to you and you are more motivated than ever to make it happen, you’re definitely going to want to take a peek at Hairchair Boss Bootcamp so that you have the opportunity to get the guidance you need to set yourself up for booth rental success. 

45 MIN