Anthology as Microcosm

DEC 24, 202151 MIN
George Town Literary Festival  Mark your calendars, GTLF returns 24 - 27 November 2022!

Anthology as Microcosm

DEC 24, 202151 MIN


<p>Anthologies are textual communities, a microcosm of a larger literary society. In this conversation, Anna Tan, editor of Penang-themed ‘Home Groan’, and Deric Ee, editor of ‘KL Noir: Magic’, share their thoughts and experiences on how they put together these recently-published anthologies. What kind of conceptual ideas and editorial decisions go into the making of an anthology? What do editors look for in the works they curate, select or commission? Anna and Deric also consider how their respective anthologies capture the distinctive spirit of place and people — of Penang and Kuala Lumpur.</p> <p>Recorded live during GTLF2021, 28 November 2021.&nbsp;</p>