Ep. 17: University Preparedness and Response (Mary Ferris + Jim Caesar)
SEP 15, 202028 MIN
Ep. 17: University Preparedness and Response (Mary Ferris + Jim Caesar)
SEP 15, 202028 MIN
<p>A university can act as a model or microcosm of a city. What lessons can be learned from how a university manages crises on and off campus? This episode features conversations with Dr. Mary Ferris, former Executive Director of Student Health, and Jim Caesar, Campus Emergency Manager, both of University of California Santa Barbara. They discuss the hazards faced by the university over their tenures including earthquake risk, wildfires, and an infectious disease outbreak of Meningitis B. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Technical Level: 3/5 </p>
<p>Fear Factor: 2/5</p>