Ea Høgh Utoft: “Culture is part of the explanation for why we see imbalance at leadership level ..."

JUL 2, 202116 MIN

Ea Høgh Utoft: “Culture is part of the explanation for why we see imbalance at leadership level ..."

JUL 2, 202116 MIN


In this episode of the #DiversityAU podcast, postdoc Ea Høg Utoft from Aarhus University explains why a focus on workplace culture is important when an organisation like AU seeks to address gender equality. Høg Utoft is a researcher at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy at AU. <br /><br />The second season of #DiversityAU podcast aims to inspire and give practical advice on how to take forward the ambitions laid out in AU’s Action plan for gender equality 2020-2022. <br /><br />Host of the podcast is Danish journalist Carsten Ortmann – known from DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) radio channel P1.