<description>&lt;p&gt;On episode 9 of "Building Business + Balance&amp;rdquo;, Brian sits down with one of the most humble, admirable and selfless people he knows, Emily-anne King. Emily-anne is the co-executive director of Backpack Buddies, a non-profit organization helping fill the weekend hunger gap by providing kids with consistent meals outside of the regular school week. In this open conversation, Brian and Emily-anne dive right into discussing the value in helping others and the importance of finding one&amp;rsquo;s true purpose.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;*This episode was originally recorded in September, 2021.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;See &lt;a href="https://omnystudio.com/listener"&gt;omnystudio.com/listener&lt;/a&gt; for privacy information.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Building Business + Balance: Conversations with BPB

Building Business + Balance, Conversations with BPB

The Importance of Giving Back with Emily-anne King

NOV 30, 202146 MIN
Building Business + Balance: Conversations with BPB

The Importance of Giving Back with Emily-anne King

NOV 30, 202146 MIN


On episode 9 of "Building Business + Balance”, Brian sits down with one of the most humble, admirable and selfless people he knows, Emily-anne King. Emily-anne is the co-executive director of Backpack Buddies, a non-profit organization helping fill the weekend hunger gap by providing kids with consistent meals outside of the regular school week. In this open conversation, Brian and Emily-anne dive right into discussing the value in helping others and the importance of finding one’s true purpose. 

*This episode was originally recorded in September, 2021.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.