Full Moon In Sagittarius

JUN 14, 202254 MIN
A Conversation with Spirit & The Moon

Full Moon In Sagittarius

JUN 14, 202254 MIN


<p>Blessed Full Moon Witches,</p> <p>How are you editing your life?</p> <p>This full moon ends eclipse season, as well as a two-year cycle of oppression of self.</p> <p>Have you been feeling blocked in the last few weeks, like you constantly bumping up against yourself? Well this full moon could hold the key.</p> <p>Make sure to sign up to my mailing list and get 25% off you next Tarot or Reiki session. You'll be updated along my journey, get exclusive deals and journal prompts to accompany this live so you don't have to write them down here.</p> <p><a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fa8b41e9b2bb4%2Fwelcome-summer-2022%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2ci9QeI6v_jk17J4NQiRY12eFkkPdIRj1ClbG-xrTbrDFQaETcTzVe5wc&amp;h=AT1f-P6znENW5ihHHEBsnkFCejt-5bdX016bmK_Y14EabRWwAaDR7-eilgh3mG_ytoJqFUZyxhwf2rDojb8nEu5s7JqxEZVq4DzJhjlHOu7mWRICO1sdqnCvOcmB0THFeA&amp;__tn__=-UK-R&amp;c[0]=AT0nfvKVOPjORh7htAPxKOHP4cEUzMyigDSHj91Ax8EQkBSS1fQRdByLjE9WBoTXe80LVMLR3hi_KKSihxQXaPvSjFBQeLgU6xSqIgaEDFd8NZ7fx5qjOEyeE0idCYYMLGC1Nf7X0dt_BRsX-QLFG7oxO6Jc-M2zDllG7LntGbFN" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mailchi.mp/a8b41e9b2bb4/welcome-summer-2022</a></p>