We all have doubts at one time or another.  Doubts, like water, can find their way into even the smallest cracks.  Suddenly the voice in your head begins to question yourself and the once small crack in your confidence threatens to blow wide open.  In my gym we call this voice of doubt  "the first voice" and we spend a great deal of time talking about how to ignore the first voice in your head and change that internal dialogue with "the second voice."  In this week's ...

Your Corner Man

Coach Bruce Babashan

PUSHING THRU THE VOICE OF DOUBT - The race doesn't begin until your lungs catch fire!

SEP 28, 202120 MIN
Your Corner Man

PUSHING THRU THE VOICE OF DOUBT - The race doesn't begin until your lungs catch fire!

SEP 28, 202120 MIN


We all have doubts at one time or another.  Doubts, like water, can find their way into even the smallest cracks.  Suddenly the voice in your head begins to question yourself and the once small crack in your confidence threatens to blow wide open.  In my gym we call this voice of doubt  "the first voice" and we spend a great deal of time talking about how to ignore the first voice in your head and change that internal dialogue with "the second voice." 

In this week's episode, we discuss how important it is to be aware of the inner dialogue and how to deal with the doubt that will inevitably show up in competition.