Is Trump A Bully? I say yes – and it will be bad for the USA.

DEC 23, 202438 MIN
The Jim Richards Show

Is Trump A Bully? I say yes – and it will be bad for the USA.

DEC 23, 202438 MIN


Mark Towhey in for Jim RIchards while he is on vacation ! 

GUEST: VP of national affairs, Jasmin Guenette, CFIB

LEGAL TAX. Is Canada’s new capital gains tax legal?

GUEST: Rich Robertson - Director Research and Advocacy B'nai Brith Canada 


HOUSING COST. DCs and other municipal fees add $200K per unit to the cost of a new low-rise housing in Toronto. This is unaffordable.

Vaughan is cutting its DCs significantly. How can they afford this? How can the rest of Ontario afford not to?